Topic: what can i say about today
mendy2's photo
Tue 08/21/12 07:50 AM
what can I say about this day
it has not been the best
this dating site I feel
I need to give it a rest

Iv met a few men on line
and I try to be pleasant
and chat and I feel I
give them my best

But it always ends up the same
we play this Im not sure
I like you--this name game
the men I really like
they politely say I feel
for me - your not just right

and the men I met I dont really care for
I havt to break there hearts
and it tears me apart
so what can I say about this day

and maybe some of you
Im sure you all at times to time
this this you to, have been through?
Its tuff in meeting new people
on line and sometimes it even ruff

but in the end we are all human
and God made us to what and need a mate
and if we dont fine love
sometimes we get lonely and sad
and even very mad

but I feel God in control
he placed us all in this world
like in a big fishing bowl
throw your line in
try to catch a few
but in the end it all up
to me and you,

so what can I say about this day
as long as God in control
Im sure he will lead a good
christain man my way,,,,,,,

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Tue 08/21/12 07:52 AM

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 08/22/12 03:47 AM

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Wed 08/22/12 04:12 PM
Purgatory Click.....flowerforyou