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Thu 12/28/06 03:05 PM
WHEW...I love Bob Seger....I thought you was going to say that he had
died or something...I am relieved thsat was not the case!!

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Thu 12/28/06 09:42 AM
awwww...what about us Kentucky Girls, etc.??!!...LOL

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Wed 12/27/06 07:28 PM
You are absolutely right.

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Tue 12/26/06 07:53 PM

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Mon 12/25/06 12:10 AM
That is very heartfelt and a nice remembrance.

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Sat 12/23/06 12:55 PM
I want to provide this link for anyone who is interested in this
subject...I first found this site 2 years ago

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Sat 12/23/06 10:05 AM
As I read this I began to cry...I know too well what you are going
through. During my divorce several years ago I lost custody of my three
small children to their dad...he had abused me (mentally & physically)
for over 8 long years and always told me that if I ever tried to leave
him for good that he would take our children from me. I finally left
him for good (fearing that if I didn't that he would either kill me or
something would happen to the kids) taking my children with me...we were
apart for six months...he continued to party during that time and was
not concerned about the kids...but when he realized that I was not going
to go back into the abuse he hired a high priced lawyer in our town and
made good on his promise. I had no money and no job and no
lawyer...they set the court date right before court was to let out for
Christmas break...I showed up at court to literally beg for my kids
because I loved them and feared for their safety...the family judge just
yawned and said that it was all just temporary and he had to do
something on that day. He gave my ex temporary custody...I continued to
fight from that day forward for my kids but it fell on deaf ears (I kept
hearing people say things like "it is all political" & "money talks &
bull**** walks"). Within 3 months of my ex receiving temp. custody one
of my son's was kicked in the face by a horse because his dad was not
watching son was 7 at the time & his dad told him that if he
could catch the horse then he could ride it! My ex was found for
neglect by social services but the judge refused to remove the kids from
the home & even went on to give him sole custody. In my divorce papers
it plainly states that my husband abused alcohol and was abusive to
me...I had gotten at least 8 restraining orders in the time that we were
together...I had lost count but a social worker testified during our
divorce that I was a battered wife.
Reading your story makes me realize that there ae still people going
through this type of pain. When I left the courtroom I was numb...I
felt nothing...I really did not even want to live. The only thing that
kept me going was my kids...I felt like I had experienced the death of
my was like a part of my body was gone...I mourned like
that for over a year. I had been told to get out of the abuse and when
I did my kids were left behind and there was nothing I could do...I felt
guilty on top of everything else becasue I knew that if I had stayed it
would be me that he was abusing and not them. I have kept quiet for
many years because of my chldren but they are now 19 (twins) and 16...I
have struggled to finish my college degree which I am now in my senior
year...I am a psychology major (an honor student) and to think back on
how he told me that I was crazy!! I am thinking that I may one
day write a book about situations like one knows what happens
behind the doors of the family courts unles someone speaks is
not just a man's issue or a woman's my opinion it is a
child's issue and it needs to stop.
Gee, I really did not mean to ramble on but I know that when people see
me today that they have no idea the hell that I have endured. I just
wanted to say that I do know how you feel...I called my kids
everyday...many times I was not allowed to talk to them...I could not
sleep at night...I thought I was surely going to go crazy but when I
could not take it anymore I simply said, "God, please take this from me
I cannot bear it any longer." I instantly felt a burden lifted from me
& I began to set goals for my may seem silly to some but even
to this day around this time of year I still feel that loss..even though
I now see my kids on a regular basis...I feel the loss of all the things
that we missed out on together...I was ordered to hand my children over
to their dad on Christmas eve...they were 7 & heart was broken.

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Fri 12/22/06 12:51 PM

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Fri 12/22/06 10:16 AM
I am so sorry to hear about that sweet girl. May God be with all of her
family and friends at this time...Kaffey

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Fri 12/22/06 10:11 AM
That is beautifully written. I can relate to it as I imagine many others
can as well...thank you for sharing...Kaffey

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Fri 12/15/06 12:43 PM
Long Island Iced Tea or Margarita

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Fri 12/15/06 11:54 AM
My finals are over too...I attend Western Ky. University...hoping to
hold out to get my BA & then continue on got my masters...WHEW!!!!

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Fri 12/15/06 10:45 AM
Hello & Welcome

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Thu 12/14/06 03:45 PM
Here goes: Soldier194

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Thu 12/14/06 03:37 PM
Hello & name is Kaffey...happy to meet you.

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Thu 12/14/06 10:27 AM
Who is Mr Rags anyway??

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Thu 12/14/06 10:01 AM
That is so touching and sweet. It takes a "real" man to do that. I
wish you guys the best...and I pray that God sends someone just as
thoughful & kind my way!!...Kaffey

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Wed 12/13/06 04:31 PM
Thank you everyone for the kind guys are the best.

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Wed 12/13/06 03:33 PM
Hello everyone

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Wed 12/13/06 03:04 PM
Duckman, I don't know you but I must ask...was what you just wrote just
a poem or some type of premonition?