Community > Posts By > Libertina9
We are ALL a gift from, and of, 'God'. We used to think sex determination in mammals was fixed in utero, but geneticists have recently discovered that our sex must be actively maintained throughout life; in the male, when a gene called 'Dmrt1' is lost, male cells start to become female cells (i.e. testes become more like ovaries); in the female, when a gene called 'Foxl2' is lost, female cells start to become male cells (i.e ovaries become more like testes). Incredibly enlightening stuff, read the full article here: Personally, I believe in One Energy, the Brahman & the Atman, and the rasa of EVERYTHING - from a flower to a fly to a man to a woman & everything over & in between - is from 'God'. Peace x this makes no sense...plants come from seeds, reptiles and birds come from eggs, and mammals come from the womb... not much "god" there... The word 'God' is written in '___' 's because it is a word I am using loosely and is open to interpretation. The word 'Science' could easily replace the word 'god', re read it that way if you like. You are missing the point entirely by focussing on whatever you personally think of when you hear the word 'god'. Also, it was a comment in response to another comment that said "females are special creation of god", so the word 'god' was necessary in my response. Not much god there, you say? Clearly Not much intelligence in you, I say. Did you actually READ the article? Or the comment, for that matter! Lol lol lol |
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
Yes, my opening remark was intended to strike such a response, good. So you do see how the comments I mentioned such as " dogs are so demanding; walk me! Pet me! Feed me!" And " dogs take sooo much attention" equally causes the same emotional response in me, then, as my comment did to you.
Contrary to your assumptions, I have had and still have friendships with several cats, and yes, you're absolutely correct, they DO choose who to be with. Truth is, so do dogs, they have just had that freedom of choice removed from them. (Would love to tell you the story of how my dog came to me, if you're interested? I think you might relate to a lot of it, judging by some of your previous comments. you seem to have that insight.) As for 'owning' animals, that is totally agains my faith. In UK law, our pets are classified as our possessions, same as a car or expensive stereo for e.g., But I believe no one should have the right to own any other beings life. I may have responsibility in a human world for my dogs health needs, etc. but he is his own spirit and has his own life; outside the home, and outside of me. He regularly makes connections with other people and I do not interfere, for example; you can see when it's a moment of tenderness or communication between the two beings - as a cat whisperer yourself, I trust you know what I mean, as we are speaking about animal language, here, which goes beyond words. I certainly do not enjoy 'exerting control', as you put it, over an animal, unfortunately there are these things called 'laws' which require me to use a leash in certain places, to teach my dog how to behave on public transport, for example, and many other things. I have to point out that dogs, as I said before, and as you yourself stated, need and enjoy that working relationship, being pack animals (as are human beings) and training, which when done correctly, is very, very different from 'exerting control' over an animal. Well I would never part with my demanding dogs. Especially my Schnauzer. She is so sweet. Besides, they get me out everyday to walk them because they don't like pooping in their own yard. LOL. They think they are hunting for rabbits. Every day they get to chase a bunny. They never catch them though. I've learned that cats love to have dogs as friends. Their "friend dog" protects them from skunks, other dogs, coyotes etc. Yes I would love to hear your story. Lol, my fellawella doesn't like to go poop in his own garden, either. He's a German Shepherd, but I didn't go 'dog shopping' or anything. Our paths crossed at a point in my life whereby my spirit had 'given up'. I was staying on a friends floor - friend is not the right word, I was staying on another addicts floor, trying to complete my degree whilst returning every night to a world of chaos, a life hidden on the edges of society & forgotten about, a life that will do it's damnedest to take you & never let you go. I got so tired of fighting. And I felt it, I felt my spirit surrender; Then, this friend who's floor I was crashing on, decided they wanted to get a dog. "Whatever", I replied. They'd heard about this litter of pups and asked me to go with them to pick one. "I don't want to go. It's you that wants a puppy, I'm not coming" Them: "Oh come on..." Me: "no". Them: " go on, come with me, etc. etc." and I finally give in and go with them. When we get there, the pups were in a big outdoor kennel space, I tell my friend " go on then", but She wouldn't go in. She even said, " No, I'm too frightened" !! WTF?? I still think that to this day. Frightened... Of Puppies?? Anyway, she wouldn't go in, so I did. It was a litter of 5, 2 male, 3 female. I got down & sat on my knees. The 3 girls moved cautiously round the back of me, sniffing me out. The first male came toward me first, head on, sniffed my hand as soon as I offered it and began to play. The second male closely followed the behaviour of the 1st male, so by now I have the 1st male sitting on my right knee, the 2nd male sitting on my left knee, 3 females still sniffing round behind me. "We'll take this one," I say, indicating the male on my right knee, knowing this to be the strongest of the litter. "That ones already taken." "Okay, I'll take this one, then." Indicating the pup on my left knee. On the left, the side of the heart... Okay. So now we're back 'home' again, and this 'friend' who wanted the dog, she didn't do what needs to be done. The dogs asking to go out, I would tell her, she would happily ignore it. Poor fella would've had to hold or poop in his own home, and, I simply couldn't live with that, couldn't watch what I considered to be cruelty by neglect. So I did what needed to be done. I trained, fed, socialised, walked, cared for this pup she had decided she wanted. Looking back, I see now it wasnt me taking care of him, it was he carrying me, my broken spirit; Looking back now I know the truth, and this is, I believe, the spiritual truth: this dog was sent to save my life. German Shepherds have been part of my families life since time immemorial, not that I knew that then when fellawella was a puppy. Amongst my earliest memories are some of me, aged 3 or 4, hanging off a great long haired shepherds mane. My grandfather owned these dogs, and he died when I was around 4 yrs old, so after that, there were no more dogs for a while. But my mother grew up with them& since living with fellawella my mother has shared some lovely stories about her childhood and her father, my grandfather, with me. You see, I believe fellawella was sent to me to save me, he literally saved my life. When he was about two, I developed seizures/epilepsy, and I knew I was going to die. Nobody was doing anything, doctors, 'friends', nobody cared and I'm taking these seizures every day and I thought to myself "I'm going to die here. I can't die here! If I die, the dog will be neglected!" So I took the dog and I walked. I went to my mothers home. She took us both in, witnessed me having non-stop seizures, took me to A&E and I finally recieved treatment for the epilepsy that is now under control. My point is, I would not have walked if it weren't for the dog, I would have stayed and died. The dogs life was worth saving, but not my own. And I firmly believe that this dog, (his name is fella Khan, but we call him fellawella) was sent to me from my mothers side of the family to save my life. And he found me. He saves me on a regular basis to this very day; I still suffer from epilepsy but fellawella can sense, somehow, a grand mal seizure coming on - he whines & paws at me, and at 1st I thought "what on earth is wrong, mate?" Then, after a while, I noticed the connection. Every time my dog behaves like that, I will be going down with a grand mal seizure. His warning gives me time to get myself to a safe place or call a friend to come over & watch me. Also, I experience small seizures which I refer to as 'absences', whereby I seem fully conscious but am not. I'm walking around on autopilot & have been ran over twice as a result (without my dog with me). If I experience an absence whilst out with the dog, he leads me, in a similar way to a guide dog for the blind would, except he physically pushes me away from the kerbside should I wander that way. When I 'come to' I find I am very confused and disorientated, i am not where I remember being, but I am closer to home. My dog guides me homeward, basically. I truly believe this dog was sent to save me, that I have some purpose on this earth or I wouldn't have been saved, and that he, fellawella, came to me from God to save me. He has brought me closer to my mother and my whole family history as well. And, you know as well as I, that if I were to go into all the ways my dog makes life that much sweeter, we'd be here all day! But that's the jist of The story. Apologies if its a long read - it isn't easy condensing a big story into a forum sized passage of text! It made me happy that you said yes you'd like to hear my story, jenniebean. Sorry if I offended you with my statement about cat owners, I know in my heart they're not lazy, it was a stupid thing to say. And I like cats, too, and all animal life. Wishing you and yours all the very best of life & love, thank you xxx Very nice story. It is interesting how dogs can sense seizures. They now train dogs to do this. But I am guessing all dogs have a way to sense these things. I had a dog who had seizures himself, and when he did, I would get on the floor with him and lay on top of him and hold him and talk to him until the seizure was over. I had no idea if he even knew I was there, but I felt so sorry for him. One day I stepped on something barefoot and fell to the floor groaning in pain. The dog (Toe-doe) came over to me and laid on top of me and held me just like I had been doing for him. He was returning the favor. Dogs are amazing. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Very faith restoring to know there are other people in our world who speak the language of animals, of all animals (human included) that goes beyond mere words. Sometimes I think we humans forget, or un-learn, this language we all share, & I love how animals can reconnect us with that. Peace x |
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
Wow, I can see some people have managed to write a novel over a simple question haha Sorry, answer and brief synopsis Dogs - Loyalty - done! ![]() Tell me about it! It's hypographia, mate, you have no idea how much I need a translator like you ![]() |
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
Edited by
Mon 09/16/13 02:01 PM
Yes, my opening remark was intended to strike such a response, good. So you do see how the comments I mentioned such as " dogs are so demanding; walk me! Pet me! Feed me!" And " dogs take sooo much attention" equally causes the same emotional response in me, then, as my comment did to you.
Contrary to your assumptions, I have had and still have friendships with several cats, and yes, you're absolutely correct, they DO choose who to be with. Truth is, so do dogs, they have just had that freedom of choice removed from them. (Would love to tell you the story of how my dog came to me, if you're interested? I think you might relate to a lot of it, judging by some of your previous comments. you seem to have that insight.) As for 'owning' animals, that is totally agains my faith. In UK law, our pets are classified as our possessions, same as a car or expensive stereo for e.g., But I believe no one should have the right to own any other beings life. I may have responsibility in a human world for my dogs health needs, etc. but he is his own spirit and has his own life; outside the home, and outside of me. He regularly makes connections with other people and I do not interfere, for example; you can see when it's a moment of tenderness or communication between the two beings - as a cat whisperer yourself, I trust you know what I mean, as we are speaking about animal language, here, which goes beyond words. I certainly do not enjoy 'exerting control', as you put it, over an animal, unfortunately there are these things called 'laws' which require me to use a leash in certain places, to teach my dog how to behave on public transport, for example, and many other things. I have to point out that dogs, as I said before, and as you yourself stated, need and enjoy that working relationship, being pack animals (as are human beings) and training, which when done correctly, is very, very different from 'exerting control' over an animal. Well I would never part with my demanding dogs. Especially my Schnauzer. She is so sweet. Besides, they get me out everyday to walk them because they don't like pooping in their own yard. LOL. They think they are hunting for rabbits. Every day they get to chase a bunny. They never catch them though. I've learned that cats love to have dogs as friends. Their "friend dog" protects them from skunks, other dogs, coyotes etc. Yes I would love to hear your story. Lol, my fellawella doesn't like to go poop in his own garden, either. He's a German Shepherd, but I didn't go 'dog shopping' or anything. Our paths crossed at a point in my life whereby my spirit had 'given up'. I was staying on a friends floor - friend is not the right word, I was staying on another addicts floor, trying to complete my degree whilst returning every night to a world of chaos, a life hidden on the edges of society & forgotten about, a life that will do it's damnedest to take you & never let you go. I got so tired of fighting. And I felt it, I felt my spirit surrender; Then, this friend who's floor I was crashing on, decided they wanted to get a dog. "Whatever", I replied. They'd heard about this litter of pups and asked me to go with them to pick one. "I don't want to go. It's you that wants a puppy, I'm not coming" Them: "Oh come on..." Me: "no". Them: " go on, come with me, etc. etc." and I finally give in and go with them. When we get there, the pups were in a big outdoor kennel space, I tell my friend " go on then", but She wouldn't go in. She even said, " No, I'm too frightened" !! WTF?? I still think that to this day. Frightened... Of Puppies?? Anyway, she wouldn't go in, so I did. It was a litter of 5, 2 male, 3 female. I got down & sat on my knees. The 3 girls moved cautiously round the back of me, sniffing me out. The first male came toward me first, head on, sniffed my hand as soon as I offered it and began to play. The second male closely followed the behaviour of the 1st male, so by now I have the 1st male sitting on my right knee, the 2nd male sitting on my left knee, 3 females still sniffing round behind me. "We'll take this one," I say, indicating the male on my right knee, knowing this to be the strongest of the litter. "That ones already taken." "Okay, I'll take this one, then." Indicating the pup on my left knee. On the left, the side of the heart... Okay. So now we're back 'home' again, and this 'friend' who wanted the dog, she didn't do what needs to be done. The dogs asking to go out, I would tell her, she would happily ignore it. Poor fella would've had to hold or poop in his own home, and, I simply couldn't live with that, couldn't watch what I considered to be cruelty by neglect. So I did what needed to be done. I trained, fed, socialised, walked, cared for this pup she had decided she wanted. Looking back, I see now it wasnt me taking care of him, it was he carrying me, my broken spirit; Looking back now I know the truth, and this is, I believe, the spiritual truth: this dog was sent to save my life. German Shepherds have been part of my families life since time immemorial, not that I knew that then when fellawella was a puppy. Amongst my earliest memories are some of me, aged 3 or 4, hanging off a great long haired shepherds mane. My grandfather owned these dogs, and he died when I was around 4 yrs old, so after that, there were no more dogs for a while. But my mother grew up with them& since living with fellawella my mother has shared some lovely stories about her childhood and her father, my grandfather, with me. You see, I believe fellawella was sent to me to save me, he literally saved my life. When he was about two, I developed seizures/epilepsy, and I knew I was going to die. Nobody was doing anything, doctors, 'friends', nobody cared and I'm taking these seizures every day and I thought to myself "I'm going to die here. I can't die here! If I die, the dog will be neglected!" So I took the dog and I walked. I went to my mothers home. She took us both in, witnessed me having non-stop seizures, took me to A&E and I finally recieved treatment for the epilepsy that is now under control. My point is, I would not have walked if it weren't for the dog, I would have stayed and died. The dogs life was worth saving, but not my own. And I firmly believe that this dog, (his name is fella Khan, but we call him fellawella) was sent to me from my mothers side of the family to save my life. And he found me. He saves me on a regular basis to this very day; I still suffer from epilepsy but fellawella can sense, somehow, a grand mal seizure coming on - he whines & paws at me, and at 1st I thought "what on earth is wrong, mate?" Then, after a while, I noticed the connection. Every time my dog behaves like that, I will be going down with a grand mal seizure. His warning gives me time to get myself to a safe place or call a friend to come over & watch me. Also, I experience small seizures which I refer to as 'absences', whereby I seem fully conscious but am not. I'm walking around on autopilot & have been ran over twice as a result (without my dog with me). If I experience an absence whilst out with the dog, he leads me, in a similar way to a guide dog for the blind would, except he physically pushes me away from the kerbside should I wander that way. When I 'come to' I find I am very confused and disorientated, i am not where I remember being, but I am closer to home. My dog guides me homeward, basically. I truly believe this dog was sent to save me, that I have some purpose on this earth or I wouldn't have been saved, and that he, fellawella, came to me from God to save me. He has brought me closer to my mother and my whole family history as well. And, you know as well as I, that if I were to go into all the ways my dog makes life that much sweeter, we'd be here all day! But that's the jist of The story. Apologies if its a long read - it isn't easy condensing a big story into a forum sized passage of text! It made me happy that you said yes you'd like to hear my story, jenniebean. Sorry if I offended you with my statement about cat owners, I know in my heart they're not lazy, it was a stupid thing to say. And I like cats, too, and all animal life. Wishing you and yours all the very best of life & love, thank you xxx |
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
Edited by
Thu 09/12/13 12:17 PM
Can't take it no more, my blunt sides got to come out: Cat lovers are simply Lazy, usually insecure people who want the benefits of animal companionship without having to put in any effort. Some of the comments I've read on here, "Dogs are so demanding" "Dogs take so much effort" Yes. Of Course they do; dogs, whilst having larger brains than cats, have a WORKING RELATIONSHIP with humans, created BY humans, so of course they're looking for that teamwork with humans. Man created Dog, then turns his back on his creation in pure ignorance of his own history. Now, I love ALL animals, but I like to see them in their natural environments (i.e. Not in a cage) and the fact is, that the Dogs natural environment is with the Human species. Our histories are intertwined and inseparable. Cat lovers are not lazy insecure people. I strongly resent that remark. A cat whisperer (which is what I am) understands the law of allowance and we accept the cat for what it is. We don't need to exert control over it, train it, or have a working relationship with it. We love it for what it is. People who prefer dogs have the need to be adored, worshiped, obeyed, and served by the dog. They expect a return in exchange for their expense of housing and feeding taking care of the animal. You think there is no effort to providing a home for cats? You have never had one I take it. I have six cats and three dogs. I am not lazy or insecure. geeeze. What I like about cats, is that they don't have to love you. They just do. (or they decide not to.) A dog, on the other hand has to have your approval and love because he is a pack animal. Cats pick who they want to be with. I got a cat for myself once and that cat chose my husband as his human and ignored me completely. My husband didn't even want a cat... but he got one. ![]() Because of the nature of cats.... you can't own a cat. You can own a dog, but you can't own a cat. Cats own themselves. Yes, my opening remark was intended to strike such a response, good. So you do see how the comments I mentioned such as " dogs are so demanding; walk me! Pet me! Feed me!" And " dogs take sooo much attention" equally causes the same emotional response in me, then, as my comment did to you. Contrary to your assumptions, I have had and still have friendships with several cats, and yes, you're absolutely correct, they DO choose who to be with. Truth is, so do dogs, they have just had that freedom of choice removed from them. (Would love to tell you the story of how my dog came to me, if you're interested? I think you might relate to a lot of it, judging by some of your previous comments. you seem to have that insight.) As for 'owning' animals, that is totally agains my faith. In UK law, our pets are classified as our possessions, same as a car or expensive stereo for e.g., But I believe no one should have the right to own any other beings life. I may have responsibility in a human world for my dogs health needs, etc. but he is his own spirit and has his own life; outside the home, and outside of me. He regularly makes connections with other people and I do not interfere, for example; you can see when it's a moment of tenderness or communication between the two beings - as a cat whisperer yourself, I trust you know what I mean, as we are speaking about animal language, here, which goes beyond words. I certainly do not enjoy 'exerting control', as you put it, over an animal, unfortunately there are these things called 'laws' which require me to use a leash in certain places, to teach my dog how to behave on public transport, for example, and many other things. I have to point out that dogs, as I said before, and as you yourself stated, need and enjoy that working relationship, being pack animals (as are human beings) and training, which when done correctly, is very, very different from 'exerting control' over an animal. |
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
personal taste I prefer dogs, they just do more to 'earn' their keep, so to speak I find them to be better at loyalty and companionship and obviously helping and protecting around the home ,,at least in my opinion At Last! An opinion based on Fact! Thank You! |
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
Can't take it no more, my blunt sides got to come out: Cat lovers are simply Lazy, usually insecure people who want the benefits of animal companionship without having to put in any effort. Some of the comments I've read on here, "Dogs are so demanding" "Dogs take so much effort" Yes. Of Course they do; dogs, whilst having larger brains than cats, have a WORKING RELATIONSHIP with humans, created BY humans, so of course they're looking for that teamwork with humans. Man created Dog, then turns his back on his creation in pure ignorance of his own history. Now, I love ALL animals, but I like to see them in their natural environments (i.e. Not in a cage) and the fact is, that the Dogs natural environment is with the Human species. Our histories are intertwined and inseparable.
Edited by
Wed 09/11/13 12:59 PM
We are ALL a gift from, and of, 'God'. We used to think sex determination in mammals was fixed in utero, but geneticists have recently discovered that our sex must be actively maintained throughout life; in the male, when a gene called 'Dmrt1' is lost, male cells start to become female cells (i.e. testes become more like ovaries); in the female, when a gene called 'Foxl2' is lost, female cells start to become male cells (i.e ovaries become more like testes). Incredibly enlightening stuff, read the full article here:
Personally, I believe in One Energy, the Brahman & the Atman, and the rasa of EVERYTHING - from a flower to a fly to a man to a woman & everything over & in between - is from 'God'. Peace x |
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
Dogs, of course! Know your human history; especially all you carnivores out there - humans created dog by forging a working relationship between themselves & the wolves that came close enough to camp (for warmth & food). Had we not made this amazing bond between ourselves and canis lupus, civilisation as we know it today would not exist. Without the relationship we humans built with dogs, evolution would have gone in a totally different direction; we would not have become settlers; it was impossible for humans alone to herd & round up a flock (of sheep or cattle for eg.) let alone watch over them all night. We only did this with dogs. And without such an evolutionary development, I should imagine we'd all be out there, scrawny as hell, pointing our blowdarts at squirrels for lunch. So, next time you walk into a supermarket to buy a pint of milk, remember the thanks you owe to our relationship with the dog. We owe no such debt to cats. Dogs are part of the fabric of our collective history, for that reason alone, Dogs! Dogs! DOGS!