Community > Posts By > iota0000

iota0000's photo
Thu 03/13/14 07:45 PM
40/60 grams.

iota0000's photo
Thu 03/13/14 07:42 PM

lets see who can answer this:

A butcher in the butcher shop is 5' 10" tall. What does he weigh?

iota0000's photo
Thu 03/13/14 08:47 AM
Mind allures you to expect the unexpected and again denies which is almost certain to occur. It exaggerates the trivial. The prominent is declared void. This is the mechanism to take your control making you deceptive leading to delusion.
Meditation is the methodology which makes you take control of mind under your command. And then conserve the dissipation of energy.
Meditation is ill-conceived to be a tiring job. Yes it is if you are a very complex character and playful and romantic if an easy going person.
Meditation basically is to be thoughtless at will to give way to a streamlined process. The objective can be easily approached and achieved if you agree to be a spectator, an observant as if you are a testimony of the happenings inward.
N.B. 1. Meditation is not the concentration.
2. Science is an objective while Spiritualism is a subjective approach.
frustrated yawn huh indifferent smooched :heart: flowerforyou

iota0000's photo
Mon 03/10/14 11:22 AM
true...just a throw...seeing there is hardly any taker of the idea...keeping a low profile.
But I feel job is more than the process I found two gems....its an achievement.
Meditation is as a matter of fact..a child's play...and also more tiresome than ascending a steep mountain.....fairly depends on your will and determination.
I nearly reached the peak, was only to leap in the unknown but postponed. I take up the matter with you only because you are inquisitive.
Why I postponed? Because I learned my real approach.
Om! Amen! Insha Allah!

iota0000's photo
Mon 03/10/14 11:07 AM

interesting comment. but then, is objective conclusion not suppossed to be based upon laws of trial. how many of us are actually desirous to give that try. believe me, despite all the loud proclamations made, the truth is, not even 1 percent of the thousands who join this field is serious. they arent here for sake of attainment. but merely for sake of conceptual clarity, or some other pitiable reason. that is why they all end up in same sorry state in the end. however, the ones who do stick to the resolve and make their sacrifices, they do eventually attain success.
meditation isnt a circus where you can buy a 2 dollar ticket and hope the ringmaster to take you on a ecstasy filled ride. it needs patience, consistency of work, a high level of motivation, and most importantly, faith that despite what you are being told to do, you are doing to know someone called god. and even if everything you are doing is utter stupidity, he is observing your zest to meet him. and it isnt a coincidence that all religions almost unanimously lay emphasis on the faith aspect.
unfortunately, we have come to a stage where we only want to accept that which our mind can agree to. and meditation is all about getting rid of mind. and this incongruity my friend, cant be solved by discourses. we could keep debating one point to be right and other to be wrong. but then, none of it would ever bring us in confrontation with that truth which this so called meditation attempts to bring to our lives. it can only be attained with earnest desire to attain. an unquestionable faith to be precise.

iota0000's photo
Mon 03/10/14 09:50 AM
Thanks! You have a good clarity of the concept.

iota0000's photo
Mon 03/10/14 09:46 AM

there is a common notion in west. they take yoga and meditation in purely scientific way. although it is true that it is a perfect science. but there is a catch. you need to patiently practice it under right guidance for a defined amount of time to understand the concepts. and although i am not sure as to how many will agree to this view of mine, but then, once you excel beyond the basic level in the field of meditation, you can yourself feel that all these energy related concepts automatically get clear.
anways, for those who are keen and are even ready to accept my words on "as it is basis" i might try explaining this concept of energy flow. its pretty simple. in hindu philosophy its said that our body receives a defined amount of energy everyday from the sun which is vital for our very survival. but we are able to retain only a small portion of it. the rest gets lost because of our inabilities to preserve it. the natural flow of energy in any human is from above to bottom. the monks have even defined the few pit stops where the energy stops for a brief interval before falling to next lower level. the lowest level is just above our genitals. those who have seriously meditated might be aware of these things. for others we can use simple examples. when we are horny we feel sensations in genitals, which is very common example of downward flow of energy. similarly, when we are under an extreme anger and yet are in some senses to observe how we are behaving, we might observe that there is a strong sensation in butt portion, right near the anus hole. in fact, there are many opportunities when we feel such sensations. this is commonly referred to as downward flow of energy.
on the contrary, when we really feel happy about something, especially of something humane, or something brings a excessive joy to us, we usually feel a sensation. some people feel it in stomach and call it goose bumps. while there are few who say that there are waves of some kind of joyous current reaching there heart. these are peculiar examples of upward flow.
however, while it is really easy to criticize such things as blurb, i humbly suggest that we shouldnt. the sole reason being, meditation is vastly different from concentration. and a large many of eastern , western and global gurus preach concentration in name of meditation. its only once you start trudging the right path and make some headway into it, then only such things open up.
but then, most of us are marred by our prior attitudes and so try to pursue even the field of meditation with dreams. unfortunately, i am yet to meet even one single person who started in this field with desires and reached anywhere.

iota0000's photo
Mon 03/10/14 07:20 AM
Edited by iota0000 on Mon 03/10/14 07:25 AM
Dropadi(the central character of Mahabharta)Symbol

The miraculous and an absurdly beautiful woman beyond the scope of wordy description, the central character, of the ancient world war they call "Mahabharta" She is the symbol of fire. Only a few survived at the end of war which prolonged for 18 days, including her five husbands called "Pandvas"
There is an interesting background of her being the wife of five husbands. Arjuna wins her over in the "swayamvar"(the shooting competition where the target was the central point of the eye of a sparrow, whose virtual image was seen in the oil container placed beneath). His only potent rival was his eldest brother Karan (abandoned by her mother Kunti, being the spiritually born) who was feared by Dropadi to be a sure winner and so she refused him the privilege to be the contender of the fray and in a way provided a clearance for Arjuna to win.) They came to their mother Kunti after the event. They chanted they have brought for her a splendid thing. She ordered from inside: "Share it equally" It is conceived that it was "Satyug(the era of truth). And so whatever said is to be behaved, being the order of the day. This way she happened to be the wife of 5 husbands.
She entertained all the five s*xually one after the other. And it is held that she used to retain her virginity after every s*xual encounter.
What does it signify? What is this symbolism of the retention of her virginity??
Should it be brushed aside in a laugh being absurd and fake???
N.B. This epic called "Mahabharta" is acknowledged as overwhelming by many western scholars as well.

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 07:14 AM
How! by arithmetic!!

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 07:06 AM

But "your star" got involved and regrets her departure.

In that case, think "magnitude" and fix the problem...:wink:

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 07:01 AM
You are harsh on him. He rushed into her but she opted out for the fantastic reason.

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 06:55 AM
But "your star" got involved and regrets her departure.

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 06:51 AM

She said: I beg you to come out of 'your comfort zone.'
He said: Seclusion is the only destination I can lead to. I am more than convinced that I can't be happy.
She said: That is paradox of choice. But you are following my posts.
He said: I appreciate your clarity of concept, the beauty of presentation and your classical interaction. I was just driven to your intelligence.
She said: You felt jealous when I was intentionally flirting with Saurav guy.
He said: No I was not.
She said: You should not try 'cause you just don't know how to lie.
He said: O.K. but "iota magnitude."
But on a fateful day she parted ways.
sad flower

She was wrong, the paradox is not a paradox at all for it is a given, the brightest star must always walk alone...flowerforyou

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 12:53 AM
Edited by iota0000 on Sat 03/08/14 12:53 AM
She opted out all of a sudden saying he should reunite with his ex-wife.

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 12:51 AM

Not enough information by your post. Specifics make or break a topic.

iota0000's photo
Sat 03/08/14 12:50 AM

Not enough information by your post. Specifics make or break a topic.

iota0000's photo
Fri 03/07/14 06:50 AM
Yes it was. But her advancement and then retraction was her choice.

iota0000's photo
Fri 03/07/14 06:47 AM

It was your choice...your consequences. huh

iota0000's photo
Fri 03/07/14 06:10 AM
She said: I beg you to come out of 'your comfort zone.'
He said: Seclusion is the only destination I can lead to. I am more than convinced that I can't be happy.
She said: That is paradox of choice. But you are following my posts.
He said: I appreciate your clarity of concept, the beauty of presentation and your classical interaction. I was just driven to your intelligence.
She said: You felt jealous when I was intentionally flirting with Saurav guy.
He said: No I was not.
She said: You should not try 'cause you just don't know how to lie.
He said: O.K. but "iota magnitude."
But on a fateful day she parted ways.
sad flower

iota0000's photo
Thu 03/06/14 07:05 PM

Very unclear what you want. You say meditation, but I get the feeling you are looking for tantric sex? Also not sure that it flows downward.
Maybe better find a tantra workshop? Okay, you'd still need a partner, but don't think it's particularly handy to find someone for something so intimate on a dating site? If you're genuine and reliable, you might have more luck on a spiritual forum

i think he said he wants to have sex...or teach it, something with sex...scared

Hahaha, I like you and your wit

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