The Tarot Cards said ....
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Beautiful Breakdown
Lovely , very deep , like you I would imagine x
The Tarot Cards said ....
The middle aged guy arrived for his reading 15 minutes late, to my displeasure, this would throw out all of my other readings, I hate being late. He sat there with his head lowered, like a naughty child. I looked into his large sad eyes and the annoyance I felt for him quickly turned into sympathy. His rather large nail bitten hands shook as he shuffled the cards , eventually , with what seemed like ages he passed to me some cards . I turned the 1st card, JUSTICE. I could see the colour drain from his face, the 2nd card THE TOWER, I looked up at man infront of me and now I could see his mouth twitching ,as if he were about to cry, yet I had not spoken a word to him as yet. the 3rd card, THE DEVIL, once again I glanced up at him, a tear had emerged in the corners of his eyes. how sad he looked I thought, I prayed the next card would be uplifting, A STAR maybe or THE WORLD or THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE , but sadly no , it was not to be, how could one person have so many negative cards. Now I had turned the 3rd card.THE HERMIT. My heart sank . As a professional Tarot Reader and Clairvoyant I could not alter the meanings of the cards, to be untruthful and would bring me bad Karma. For a moment I stared at him and then I spoke, my voice instantly knew to stay on a calm and gentle level." She is here with us now , how beautiful she was, she is giving me the name Mary". "Can you take her", I asked. Now the man was crying openly, he nodded yes, yes! "she forgives you. You have served your time now , So Let it go , move on". He had been full of jealousy, troubled ,and now his chains would drag behind him and hold him back , he would find obstacles falling infront of him ,and I knew why . Mary was his Lover, a married woman. The man infront of me had gotten envious , jealous of her Husband. The 2 men had fought over Mary, the husband had a massive heart attack and died as a result of the fight. The man who sat infront of me was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, and Mary , she could not live without her Husband , she hung herself one week after his death. How sad , one affair had ruined the life's of so many people. Sometimes the cards that are dealt are cruel, but so is life at times .
How was your Date Anny ?
ohh Gerry ! I look forward to my Prince Charming , but he can only ever be a Friend , I cant be doing with the pain a romance brings with , Bless you xx
such passion ! how nice , keep up the good writing my friend x
How was your Date Anny ?
shame you disposed of his number, i've got the perfect woman for this one! |
How was your Date Anny ?
oh dear , hmmmm surgery?, no,then you must be perfect in your partners eyes xx
How was your Date Anny ?
pmsl x
How was your Date Anny ?
OMG you made me laugh , well yes , now I am more careful , I have also changed how I meet up I tell them , its not a date , its a meet up , 1 hour , go from there. A bit stuffy , I know lol , but better in the long run.
Bless you for your time, and your great comment. x |
How was your Date Anny ?
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dream lover
ahhhhhhhh nice dream, nice writing , and remember, Dreams can come true x
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How was your Date Anny ?
Edited by
Sun 09/08/13 02:53 PM
thank you hmmm , I hope it was me you are ,replying to or I am going to feel a right dizzy blonde .....AGAIN x
How was your Date Anny ?
Well hello there Mr SeriousMan. I cannot apologise for being such a nice na�ve trusting Soul. But hey life throws these lessons at you so it is a good job I am a quick study. Thank you for your most superior observation's, duly noted, and undigested . Annyjo x
How was your Date Anny ?
LOL , Oh well , I put it down to experience !xx
How was your Date Anny ?
I could hardly wait to log on to the dating site , OMG ! the tall handsome guy in the photo had once again replied to my message. How lucky was I ! I quickly typed back to him this time being really forward , I felt myself blush as I pressed the enter key and sent my mobile number to him. I waited , biting my nails staring at the laptop. My Mobile bleeped a message at me, The Message was from him!Hiya Hunny, this is my number . Hunny ! I thought, hmmm a bit cheesy but hey it could grow on me. I felt like a teenager , and so the texting began forwards and backwards. It was on the Friday evening the Tall handsome guy asked me out for Sunday Lunch. All weekend I was smiling and secretly preparing myself for the Date.
The Sunday morning came and I had butterflies in my stomach , my hands shook as I tried to apply my false nails. My long blonde hair washed and shining, my make up ,perfect. I pulled on my silky chiffon blouse and tight skinny jeans, wow ! not bad for an old un, I thought. Once I had my high heeled black suede tasselled boots on I grabbed my car keys not wanting to be late I checked my watch and set of to meet the man of my dreams. I pulled into the car park and scanned the cars , hmmm a Mercedes , or was it the Audi , ohh no , a big tall guy, it would be the brand new white 4x4 BMW , I was sure ,yes for sure. I parked next to it , glanced around and decided to exit the car as gracefully as the heels I was wearing would allow. I sat in the Beer garden , lit a cigarette , and waited, and waited. Had I been stood up I wondered , but then my mobile bleeped a message. Hiya Hunny , my bus is late , be with you soon. As I stood at the bar getting my juice my tall handsome guy approached me , Hunny! he said loudly , I felt eyes upon us from the Diners, I felt myself blushing too. there he stood , All of 5ft 6inch . I tried to be polite , oh so nice you do not drink and drive I said , but he replied , no Hunny , I got a pensioners bus pass no need to own a car. I commented on his height, as his profile stated he was 6ft 6inch tall. He gave a big smile and replied , did it , oh dear I must correct that then .it was then he told me he could not find a recent photo of himself so he used the photo taken of him on his DE-MOB day. We got through dinner, I paid the bill ,yes,and as I walked towards my car he gingerly said, Give us a lift Home Hunny my false hip is playing me up today. Now it was not the fact that he was short in height and money, or the fact he was old and did not own a 4x4 BMW !or the fact that he was a little Billy Liar !that I deleted his number the minute I got home! It was the ears ! OMG I have never seen ears like them ever ,the poor guy ! the name Mr Spock kept coming to mind ! Well , I made sure he got home safe , helped him to the door and then I went home , all by myself , THANK GOD !!!! |
The Last Journey
Thanks for the comment, yes, My Hubby, Memories that will be closed away in my heart now for I need to live xxx
Bless, how lucky we both must have been in our lifetime, as we have both found Angels. A lovely piece of writing xx
Not my time.
thank you , I love your writing too x