Community > Posts By > ichinovi

ichinovi's photo
Mon 09/30/13 05:33 AM

Well, even if you think women should just date anyone, I can't. Too right I'm picky about who I date. It goes back in history, that a woman wants a high quality male, so that they will have healthy children together. If I ever have children, I know I'll give them the awesomest upbringing, and I will make sure I can afford food for them, at the very least. And toys. I don't see why I'd want someone of low quality. And no it doesn't mean perfect, but it's perfect enough. I'll recognize him, when we meet.

I see. So you dont want give a chance for a low quality guy? Who want try to be perfect for you?

ichinovi's photo
Mon 09/30/13 05:24 AM

Personaly ive found the difference in culture transmits to keyboard skills. Im from Europe, but to have someone from Nairobi banging on about their beautiful soul, and how sunshine fills their heart, I just want to tell them they have said about 3 words to me, I dont want a sob story yet lol

Yeah, same here. It's like they are all scammers.

I think so some people here are scammers.

ichinovi's photo
Sun 09/22/13 10:05 AM
Hi there guys looking for friend that have a sense of humor. Dont be shy to mail with me. Promise mabait ako lol

ichinovi's photo
Wed 09/18/13 03:49 AM

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

I think for me. Im just going to my love, friend and family. Then I do my best to make all he/she laugh and enjoy the moment with them. I make a moment for us that life is to

ichinovi's photo
Tue 09/17/13 04:24 PM

I got no idea what "snober" means.

Are you trying to say snobby or slobbery or sober...?
it makes a difference.

Yeah its snobby

ichinovi's photo
Tue 09/17/13 04:22 PM

I got no idea what "snober" means.

Are you trying to say snobby or slobbery or sober...?
it makes a difference.

ichinovi's photo
Tue 09/17/13 04:18 PM
@ jinks because your girl. That why you haven't not met a girl like that. Really your fairly? Well thank for your answer haha..

@paintecards yeah you have a point on that. But why the other man thats needs a real love they come with here to be here good but any paintcards you have a good


Its that you think?


Im not judging the girl. I really respest her decision. Im just curious and a litte bit confused. Haha..

For thoose girl read gonna read this im not judging you. Im not ppromise.Beside I have a friends here in other country and almost black african decent. For those people its my pleasure to be your friend. I hope more friend share with me there

Thanks guy for the answer

ichinovi's photo
Tue 09/17/13 03:57 PM
@ jinks because your girl. That why you haven't not met a girl like that. Really your fairly? Well thank for your answer haha..

@paintecards yeah you have a point on that. But why the other man thats needs a real love

ichinovi's photo
Tue 09/17/13 06:58 AM
Edited by ichinovi on Tue 09/17/13 07:10 AM

ichinovi's photo
Tue 09/17/13 06:33 AM
Hi im just looking for friend. Not sex of course. But why other ladies here is so snober? It just because we have a different country? What you think girl? Hahaha peace . I just want to know the other feeling.

ichinovi's photo
Sun 09/08/13 06:14 AM
Edited by ichinovi on Sun 09/08/13 06:26 AM
Hi to all people here in mingle. Im just looking for friends and for sure we have all reason that's why we here right now and for me I want to talk any girls here no age limit I just want to know her better and her story in life.then share with me a knowledge. Just be happy to make all smile guys c:

ichinovi's photo
Sun 09/01/13 02:10 AM
I think for me some older women is have so attractive into a young guy and other older women have a sweet person that's why other young guy fall in love. Beside much better if the older woman knowns the young guy. If the young want have a benifits or for a love. Because all people have a different attitude. C:

ichinovi's photo
Sun 09/01/13 01:11 AM
Hi im just looking for a girl and want to be my friend reply for me.

ichinovi's photo
Sun 09/01/13 01:00 AM
Hi im looking for friends.