Community > Posts By > bqamb

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Sat 09/27/08 12:43 PM
Grape juice works

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Sat 09/27/08 12:37 PM
I hope so too and if you do do something like that let the police know of your intentions they probably have other ideas to help you

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Fri 09/26/08 08:16 PM

You're not being mean at all. Nowadays, things are just too unsafe. My nine year old wants to know when he can ride his bike to school. My answer: NEVER!
Gee I'm glad you're not my mom. Least my mom let me ride to school. Oh wait the school was only a block away.
You really wouldn't have wanted me. look back at some of my post
oh no diffinetly not

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Fri 09/26/08 08:13 PM

Don't you mean huge bq and I agree about ryanone. Let me know if you find a place without the misquitoes.
yes I did thanks I will but looks like we both have the answer at the same time I'm going to try the grape juice.

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Fri 09/26/08 07:39 PM
Where in TX are there no misquitoes that are the size of house cats? Don't say wtx cause I'm there and these mud-funs are HUG

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Fri 09/26/08 07:36 PM
ryanone guys like you are normally over-rated and self centered. Plz tell me you're different.

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Fri 09/26/08 06:44 PM
I'm back I had to go to work. Ok let me catch up here. Mom didn't get any and Glenn and quiet got in trouble. pretty busy day after I left.

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Fri 09/26/08 06:37 PM

You're not being mean at all. Nowadays, things are just too unsafe. My nine year old wants to know when he can ride his bike to school. My answer: NEVER!
Gee I'm glad you're not my mom. Least my mom let me ride to school. Oh wait the school was only a block away.

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Fri 09/26/08 12:05 PM
Ok we know what's on moms mind. Didn't have none last night did ya

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Fri 09/26/08 11:54 AM

wow WOW!!

you're so big you're twins
That wasn't nice I should whip you for that.:angry: huh

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Fri 09/26/08 11:49 AM

I'm gonna defend bqamb Isn't the thread why is it always....

No, it's about using the term BBW like it's a compliment.
ok to me it stands for beautiful black woman isn't that complimentary. Yes I understand big black woman too but only ignorant ppl can't see the beauty in being big

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Fri 09/26/08 11:33 AM
Thanks mom I was confused too.... Are they gonna murder us now or later?

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Fri 09/26/08 11:02 AM
Y is it when you're in the store with children ppl atuomatically think they're your children? I was in the store yesterday with my niece who was indeed acting up and this man walked up and said to me to control your daughter better try spanking her. Rather rudely I might say.frown

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Fri 09/26/08 10:48 AM

Love is giving someone the power to hurt you, and trusting them not to...
I couldn't agree moresmokin

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Fri 09/26/08 10:46 AM

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,

does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,

does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Thank You I'm not the only one who knows the true meaning of love is in the bible

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