Community > Posts By > Tryztan

Tryztan's photo
Sun 08/03/14 12:53 AM

4 months allowance?!?!?! damn i bet the icecream man was pissed on his route, he lost money! i bet that bike is saaaweeeet!!! i may even let my tats show, we will look like real bikers then.... of course, the one on my forehead is hard to hide.

Ice cream man was ok with it. The newspaper guy was PISSED though. I don't usually brag, but the bike it pretty awesome. Here is a picture.

Notice the Hello Kitty sticker because you know. F*** the police is how I roll.

Tryztan's photo
Sun 08/03/14 12:46 AM

haahahahahaaha i dont knw whether tryzan will be able to with stand the perfume,or are you coz this hottie is into you

im hoping he isnt just using me to floss!!! lmao

Full out lol on that one.

And absolutely you can sit in the basket. I've got some wicked sweet custom spokes so you should be fine. They took me 4 months worth of allowance to save up for them. Definitely worth it though!

Tryztan's photo
Sun 08/03/14 12:37 AM

We transitioned from the meadow to the tulips. As for sipping wine out of your shoe, I wouldn't have it any other way! I mean a boot gives the wine that musky oniony flavour but your shoe will be excellent as the small hint of fungus will give it added texture.

you so get me... its like you can read my mind, you crawled into my (oh wait can i say that in the forum?) .... i do have my work boots from sloppin the hogs... they can offer quite an enticing aroma of cow dung and hog chit.... i used to get compliments all the time on my perfume but it was just my boots. you're such a romantic! and they said i wouldnt find my prince online... pffff what do they know... pick me up at 7 big boy? (omg im fricken dying here, my ribs hurt!!! lmao)

Well I've always been called a romantic. If sipping wine out of pooh caked boots doesn't scream romance, then I don't know what to believe anymore.

I'll be there at 7 sharp. I'll ring the bell on my sweet 10 speed bike and then ride off into the sunset.

Tryztan's photo
Sun 08/03/14 12:27 AM
We transitioned from the meadow to the tulips. As for sipping wine out of your shoe, I wouldn't have it any other way! I mean a boot gives the wine that musky oniony flavour but your shoe will be excellent as the small hint of fungus will give it added texture.

Tryztan's photo
Sun 08/03/14 12:17 AM

@tryzan....just be honest man,whats your taste mmh

I am being honest. Some women look better fit/skinny while others look better being curvy/overweight. That and how they carry themselves.

exactly... like me, i look great with my one tooth and hairy back cuz i brush my tooth daily and i braid my back in those nice little corn rows so i carry it very well! :banana:

That is hot as hell!

Nudez plz!

im not sure if your heart can take it there sweet cheeks... i cant be havin ya fall in love and crap then stalkin me... i get that a lot ya know... especially if i let them touch my braids... it drives em wild baby....

Try me. I could help braid your locks and care for your pearly white all while we could frolic through a meadow! It will be absolutely glorious.

oh damn, ya made me spit my coffee reading that one!!! BAHAHAHAHA

i prefer to tip toe thru the tulips... would it be too much to ask on our first date if you could do my butt cheeks to match my back? i dont want to overwhelm you or anything....

Absolutely! I could do them in like a french braid seeing as to how they would already be centre parted.

We could then make sweet passionate love and floss at the same time!

...ok I may or may not have grossed myself out with that one.

Tryztan's photo
Sun 08/03/14 12:11 AM

@tryzan....just be honest man,whats your taste mmh

I am being honest. Some women look better fit/skinny while others look better being curvy/overweight. That and how they carry themselves.

exactly... like me, i look great with my one tooth and hairy back cuz i brush my tooth daily and i braid my back in those nice little corn rows so i carry it very well! :banana:

That is hot as hell!

Nudez plz!

im not sure if your heart can take it there sweet cheeks... i cant be havin ya fall in love and crap then stalkin me... i get that a lot ya know... especially if i let them touch my braids... it drives em wild baby....

Try me. I could help braid your locks and care for your pearly white all while we could frolic through a meadow! It will be absolutely glorious.

Tryztan's photo
Sun 08/03/14 12:01 AM

@tryzan....just be honest man,whats your taste mmh

I am being honest. Some women look better fit/skinny while others look better being curvy/overweight. That and how they carry themselves.

exactly... like me, i look great with my one tooth and hairy back cuz i brush my tooth daily and i braid my back in those nice little corn rows so i carry it very well! :banana:

That is hot as hell!

Nudez plz!

Tryztan's photo
Sat 08/02/14 11:56 PM
More maturity and a lot less drama.

Tryztan's photo
Sat 08/02/14 11:50 PM
Great. So I decide to check in on this topic again and now I have to go take a shower.

Tryztan's photo
Sat 08/02/14 11:49 PM

@tryzan....just be honest man,whats your taste mmh

I am being honest. Some women look better fit/skinny while others look better being curvy/overweight. That and how they carry themselves.

Tryztan's photo
Sat 08/02/14 11:43 PM
Not to me. It all depends on the woman, be it that she is skinny or overweight.

Tryztan's photo
Sat 08/02/14 04:23 PM
Yes I do love sex.

Tryztan's photo
Fri 08/01/14 10:37 PM

So im guessing theres alot of scammers on here huh???

Welcome to the Internet my friend.

Tryztan's photo
Fri 08/01/14 10:37 PM
Its pretty simple. If she says no, you stop.

Tryztan's photo
Fri 08/01/14 10:33 PM
Desperation is a turn off for most women. Just saying.

Tryztan's photo
Fri 08/01/14 10:29 PM
Congrats on the weight loss.

Everything else I have no idea what you're getting at.

Tryztan's photo
Fri 08/01/14 10:28 PM
Has never happened to me before.

Have had the "pull my hair" requests though.

Tryztan's photo
Fri 08/01/14 07:40 PM
My mind is too much in the gutter to respond positively in this thread.

Tryztan's photo
Thu 07/31/14 10:03 PM
I don't drink so....I guess when I do drink, it is Root Beer?

Tryztan's photo
Wed 07/30/14 10:01 AM
Eyes make sure it is safe to look at her boobs/butt.

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