Community > Posts By > specop

specop's photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:22 PM
No ego. She is cute and from Canada so you know shes nice. Most important a Dallas fan. Just the facts!

specop's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:01 PM
Dallas hardley ever has 2 bad game in a row. Romo CALMN DOWN. I was worried about the Baltimore Defense but our Defense let us down in the end. They played a great 3 quarters. Now offense and defense both need to play up to the caliber of tallent they have and I really dont think ANYONE can beat Dallas. We are due a good game in Dec. We will talk sunday Philly fan. Americas team will break another most viewed telecast. Love us hate us you STILL want to see us.

specop's photo
Sun 12/21/08 05:53 PM
It comes down to this. Going to cold philly and getting into the playoffs. Dallas rarely has 2 bad games in a row. Philly fans you wont have Santa to throw snowballs at and you dont have a jail like you did in your old stadium. So after the victory be civil to the Dallas fans. Win this the off to AZ to get revenge for game they broke our punters leg. Romo needs to stay calmn. You guys got a good defense but it pretty much ends there. Will be a good game but Dallas 17-7 I think. If not a higher score but Dallas by 10.

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:15 PM
I will do that thanks.

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:13 PM
Airman and hello to you.

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:18 PM
I will put up new pics but tried to be less gloom and be more posative. I at lest took one decent pic. Im tired and and have morning hair but pretty damn good for 42.

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:35 PM
ok new pic and profile. I will have my son take some tonight when hair is washed and I promise to show my teeth in a smile. I went out last night and I discovered if you think you look good others think you do. I actually got called a sexy ***** AND harresed by a table of 5 girls. 2 were really pretty and the others were ok. I felt like the woman getting crap from the construction worker. But damn it felt good. Being free is actually cool. Thanks to all of you. Im so tired and my hair is morning hair but the sad thing is its the best one of me. a little effort does make a huge difference.

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:40 AM
Gods, Canada, Mexico. We are the worlds team not no crappy nation! No crush on men. I'm sorry I can't accomadate you there but they have sites for that. I do love the Cowboys and I hope you can take a joke.

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:35 AM
You go girl glad to see you left the horrible hankies for the steelers fans and welcome to the Dallas family. Plus your really hot and from Canada. Any fans that can't get the game and live close come on over. You have to get to the bars like a hour early because it's only on direct tv. As is so much like Canada! Not at all but if that boyfriend gets stupid and does something dumb write me back. You enjoy the win tonight cute lady!

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:29 AM
I can't wait for tonight. Last game at Texas Stadium. Ware has 19 sacks. The record is his. 3 this game and at least 2 in cold nasty Philly. All the haters of americas team and Gods favorite team. ( this is what I heard they left the stadium open so God can watch his favorite team) Dallas has the talent to beat anyone. You can't cover T.O. Roy and witten, Crayton and Barber. Someone is gonna burn you. I do miss Felix Jones. He will be a great back. That's all ready a fact. Hope the injury bug doesn't bite him that's all that can stop him. Romo is gonna be great. His second full year and the media is so on him. Let's talk in 5. Were Comming back to AZ to get revenge in playoffs. I'd love to see a Dallas Pittsburgh rematch in the last game. I don't think big Ben has it in him. To many ints. I will be back to tell you how we beat up Baltimore tommorow.

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:02 AM
Hello to you also. ;)

specop's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:14 AM
Willco and I am trying. Yes I asked but read all post everyone was helpful but him. I would have blasted this guy so bad a year ago. I see what you are saying I shouldnt ask If I dont want to know. I dont mean u again... be civil about it. I could have been way worse. He got my point and I understand yours. Ive been angry and mean for 20 years in a month it probally wouldnt bother me but it does now. I dont think thats to much to ask just be a decent person. Sorry if I offend you or disappoint you.Like I said I am making changes but it cant be in one day. Thank you for your kind words about my pics.

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:13 PM
No sir he started it. I asked about ny pic If you cant have something helpful or even say dude you need to change pictures Id be like yes I undersatnd. All he said is he agrees with my pic sucking so If you come hard expect it back or just dont say anything. I am far from a punk just defensive. People cut me up but in a helpfull way. I ACTUALLY needed to hear some of that and thank you but my pics do need to change but dont just say you agree I kook like ****.Just trying to explain. Treat me how I treat you and I dont mean you. You tried to be helpful and thank you.

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:16 PM
gonna post new pics tommorow! thank You all! (Not you rydin) I am getting a better outlook and it was good to talk and get a little off my chest. You all seem truely hepful. I really dont smile much but I will smile for a pic. Forgive the missing letters and the words not complete. I get so mad but I can control it way better. Thank you all. Jim

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:27 PM
sir I fake it all the time and try so damn hard if you only knew. Im getting there though. thank you also for doing whatever you did in military. Seem like a guy with his **** together. Good luck in life.

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:23 PM
yea ridin your self pic is nice also... To insecure to ask for advise? mine just stupid pics! Yours?

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:19 PM
I AM NOT a cop! I was but not now. I was in special ops in usaf. THUS speccop. ANY ladies wanna do something next weekend? I thought it was funny!

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:12 PM
Yes all vital parts.... inculding teeth, arms, fingers and toes and grumble legs are accounted for. a few scars but they are sexy. grumble :smile:

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:34 PM
all are within like a year old. all me.Im in a lot better shape also. Thank you though... That really was my question. I really dont know if I looked ok.

specop's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:29 PM
I totally agree with your advise. That does sound stupid in fact Im gonna change the whole damn thing. I was in a different mind frame. MY house burnt down so no nice clothes. I can and wiil go get some cheap. Im a disable combat vet. All I know really is that... but you are so off on me laying everything out. The last 5 years. lets be real the last 20 years have been crap. Gulf war ilness, thyroid cancer. 8 broken bones and a fractured skull.I was willing to die and the Military gives me shots no approved by FDA. Testified before Wash Subcomitte on topic and that was fun. Bring watched, phone tapped. Thats just starting. he last 5 years I burried my best friend. The last 2 grandparents I had, my wife and my Dad. I do appericate the advise. Maybe at a little nicer level. Yes have many issues but for what I have seen and been through I look pretty good. My question was about my pic. I know your trying to help but that defense mode kicks in then its out and I become a ass. I am getting way better .