Community > Posts By > beautifulsoul08

beautifulsoul08's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:12 AM

hi ppls :) I'm here until class starts.


Hello sexy soon to be nurse.flowerforyou

hi :) how are you?

I'm alive so that counts.I took a day off from work and had 6 voice mails and 19 e-mails even thought they knew I wasn't in.

woah that sucks horribly.

beautifulsoul08's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:12 AM

Hi Mary how are you love......

ok peeps I am going to shower and run around.....well not literally errands...ahhhhhh hahahaa

im doing great. happy. dont know who has a hand in that whoa but shh i dont think he realizes it hahaha.

have fun showering.

beautifulsoul08's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:10 AM

hi ppls :) I'm here until class starts.


Hello sexy soon to be nurse.flowerforyou

hi :) how are you?

beautifulsoul08's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:07 AM

Good morning everyone....thanks for sharing the poem Woody it's so beautiful.......I want to see more.


beautifulsoul08's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:07 AM

Morning all!!!


beautifulsoul08's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:06 AM
hi ppls :) I'm here until class starts.


beautifulsoul08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:33 PM
night sweetie :)

beautifulsoul08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:27 PM

just saying hi...

Hey ((Mary)) Finally got parents off of phone.

(((jerry))) smooched yay!

I think you made me happy again! blushing

Going to do okay on that test tomorrow?

your silly. and yes sweetie dont worry :) and if i dont do good dont blame yourself. im studying.. promise

beautifulsoul08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:24 PM

just saying hi...

just saying hi back... :tongue: :heart:

hi dear how are you?

said yes to help a friend babysit.. didnt know i'd have to stay til the end, which could be from anywhere between 1130-2am. grumble

how are you?

yikes thats nuts...

im ok.. a little down. but im ok :)

beautifulsoul08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:21 PM

just saying hi...

just saying hi back... :tongue: :heart:

hi dear how are you?

beautifulsoul08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:21 PM

just saying hi...

Hey ((Mary)) Finally got parents off of phone.

(((jerry))) smooched yay!

beautifulsoul08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:18 PM
just saying hi...

beautifulsoul08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:45 AM

Women cheat too.. I think the main reason people cheat is because they can't be alone so they settle for the first thing that comes along.. and while they are with whoever it is that they settled for they are still on the lookout for the next best thing... and since they don't want to be alone.. they will 'try out' the next prospect to see if it works.. while keeping the one they settle for around since they are a sure thing for the time being...

then again.. you get those that just cant keep their pants on..

this is true

beautifulsoul08's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:23 AM

Beautifulsoul waving

padamswaving hi :)

beautifulsoul08's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:23 AM
k and now im out too lol. my study buddys coming over soon...

ill come back tonight but i dont think ill be on much this week. test tue, wed, thur, and fri is a check off.

sooooo ill probably be studying *mumbles* lol

beautifulsoul08's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:20 AM


Wooh, I miss a lot.

HI (((MARY))) bigsmile flowers waving

hi darlin waving flowers

beautifulsoul08's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:08 AM



[Seeing she's wearing a Jersey, tackles her]

hey now wait a min why am i suddenly on the floor?!? JERRY meany. knock me down

(((jerry))) hi sweetie. now help me up lol

[helps her up. smooched Looks for nearest shower.]

smooched your silly

beautifulsoul08's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:08 AM
ill be back in 10 mins :) gonna shower i stink lol

beautifulsoul08's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:06 AM



[Seeing she's wearing a Jersey, tackles her]

hey now wait a min why am i suddenly on the floor?!? JERRY meany. knock me down

(((jerry))) hi sweetie. now help me up lol

beautifulsoul08's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:05 AM
mornin :)

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