Community > Posts By > vicarious4

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Sun 04/06/14 11:50 PM
Edited by vicarious4 on Mon 04/07/14 12:12 AM

Whats more pathetic is someone trolling for intimate encounters trina tell people its drivel to want someone to be clear of an old relationship before starting a new one.

I spose gibbs said it best when she spoke of people getting defensive about their situation, and that it would be best to move on in such a case.

and just who is being defensive here, personal attacks are the weapons of last resort for those who have no other valid argument? So much for your claim of "not being a hurtful person" and "not manipulative". What other truths are bent in your profile, O purest of the pure?

And just what do you know of my situation and reasons anyway???

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Fri 04/04/14 10:50 AM
The biggest killer of relationships has to be a lack of understanding about personality types and how to truly empathise (put yourself in the other person's shoes). There are 4 basic personality types and everyone is a combination of them. the old adage "opposites attract" to complement each other. That's great but soon enough those things that attracted you begin to grind on your nerves as the relationship matures. Instead of understanding that it is their personality and they are not trying to purposefully annoy you, individuals try to change the other person and get frustrated when they don't change creating a vicious cycle.

It's all these little things that start the process, then any other excuse is simply added to fuel the fire.

Another dynamic that comes into play is called "self-deception" where we view the other as an object rather than a person with their own viewpoint, then attach the blame onto the other person whilst justifying our own position in any argument/situation. Proof of this is that most people only ever tell their friends their side of the story, NEVER the other side.

Therefore, a lack of conflict resolution skills and a willingness to come to the party by either or both people is what kills most relationships.

There are plenty of books available to explain all this in depth and you don't have to have a degree to understand them.

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Fri 04/04/14 09:40 AM
Edited by vicarious4 on Fri 04/04/14 09:53 AM

Some don;t like to communicate with separated men because they feel it can't lead to anything and I tend to agree that's a waste of time if you are wanting to meet someone to be with now.

what a load of pathetic drivel. If a new relationship looks like it may become serious then there is nothing stopping finalizing a divorce. And don't try to tell anyone that people from an unmarried relationship have necessarily finalized the split and would never consider going back to their ex. Get real, any new relationship is a gamble - separated, single or even divorced people have been known to make up with an ex.

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Fri 04/04/14 01:25 AM
Fed up with the sheer number of female fakes and frauds on dating sites. This includes those that purport to want to meet up in person but after several texts back and forth say they only want online dating.
How can YOU separate the real ones from fraudsters? I would like some feedback on this, in particular from real women wanting a real relationship. How would you set yourself apart to be taken seriously?

The only ways I can think of are to have a phone conversation or meet up at a public place. Yet websites make it a point to warn people against "offsite" communication. WHY??? The sites generally block attempts to send personal information as well. Seems like they have a vested interest in chaining people to their websites as a way of increasing revenue. I also would like some justification from the website for their warnings against offsite communication.