Community > Posts By > NYBMX631

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 01/07/09 12:55 AM
Are you serious???? That just killed my night...

NYBMX631's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:28 PM
Go Giants! Here is one more fan for you :smile:

NYBMX631's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:27 PM
Why would you want to listen to a crappy and constantly overrated team anyway?

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:19 PM
Ok well it is almost 1:30am here and I need to be up in the morning so I will say goodnight and it was great talking to everyone.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:17 PM
No we are an exterminator, we are hired by the rest of the world to clean out these hornets nests we call countries...

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:16 PM
I really do enjoy debate and I look forward to the topic tomorrow. I wont let myself get out of line like tonight. Friends everyone?

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:11 PM
Oh and by the way I may not have been accepted due to myself being an exceptional white student but still....GO GATORS! lol. A few of my friends from Tampa play for the Gators.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:09 PM
Sorry but Eli is better than Peyton. Plus he had a better NCAA career at ole miss than Peyton did at Tennessee...

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:08 PM
Well madison what could cause those explosions? You realize that these buildings all have gas lines right? And the video of the collapse where you can see crap blowing out of the windows underneath the upper part of the building. you realize when a building is collapsing everything above is coming down. pressure pockets form and blow out the windows along with whats in those rooms. The building collapse due to structural failure which was caused by the jet fuel. Are you going to say bin laden's video about the attack where he claimed to have known the amount of jet fuel burning on top of structural damage caused by the impact would cause towers 1 and 2 to collapse was made up too? Oh and the buildings designer saying that those factors would have caused the towers to come down, u saying that our government told him to say that? You realize they bombed the building in 93 and there was little damage because it was a van packed with explosives. Compare that to two planes loaded with fuel that has the heat capacity to melt steel that crash into the buildings at 400 and 500+ mph and the weight of almost the entire top halves of the building on top of that? That really sounds like a conspiracy.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:00 PM
Yes I realize that I was somewhat out of line with that post. And I do apologize for the attack but it is a very emotional subject for me. How would you like to lose an uncle on 9/11 along with family friends and friend's parents? I am sorry for my attack but I just hope you understand where it comes from.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:57 PM
THEY WERE USING KIDS TO KILL PEOPLE BEFORE WE WENT IN! These kids are brainwashed into doing these evil things. These mothers now too that pretend to be pregnant. And here is the problem this is all we see on the news. 24/7: these troops died today, roadside bombing in baghdad, in kabul, etc. This helicopter was shot down. We rarely hear stories about soldiers rebuilding schools and hospitals, giving kids f*cking soccerballs and candy and toys and clothing and food. We love violence. we love to see people being shot at on tv because it makes us think wow do i feel bad for them. You cannot support the troops if you do not support the president, for the president is the commander in chief of our armed forces, he is as eli manning is to the giants...

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:52 PM
What you don't understand madison is that flying a 747 is nothing like a cessna. With a boeing all you need is to have your instrument license. Because a cessna requires nothing but piloting with your eyes, a boeing you mess with a computer.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:43 PM
To say 9/11 was an inside job is to say that your government killed almost 3,000 people including my uncle, both of my best friend's parents, my teachers and quite a few of my local firemen.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:38 PM
Falsified? You know thats bullsh*t right? THOSE WEAPONS WERE SHIPPED OFF. THE UN WEAPONS INSPECTORS EVEN SAID THAT IRAQ WAS BUILDING UP WMD'S. If it was just the secdef saying that they had them i wouldnt trust it too much. However, we knew that Saddam had the means to kill many people. Look at how he gassed his own people? I believe in karma and him hanging from the gallow is karmas way of biting him in the a** for what he did.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:33 PM
Are you kidding me? Yeah if you are a single mother. I lived with my aunt and uncle in Florida. I graduated high school with a 5.9GPA, was in the top 10% of my senior class, and I was denied from the University of Florida, I stayed in FL because their state bright futures scholarship would cover my tuition 100%. I was denied that and many other scholarships, yet a guy i played football with on the Varsity squad who had a 3.2GPA got in and got his whole education payed for. He was a black guy, I am not racist i just do not believe in being politically correct.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:30 PM
Where did you work because in NY there are people who use their families children to get even more money. The lady who my widowed mother was kind enough to loan my basement to for over a year and didnt pay rent made almost 2.5 grand a month. She claimed unemployment for her and her husband as well as her daughters whose ages she lied about and her grandchildren.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:25 PM
I agree with you. I was in my French 7 class when the news came on about the WTC attacks, I was in class when my principal came on to announce that NYC had been shut down and if anyone had parents working in the city that they may not be home that night. I lost my uncle that day, my brother was supposed to be born that night, he ended up being born just after midnight on the 12th. For anyone who thinks there is some conspiracy I will personally beat the ever living Sh*t out of you to say my uncle died because his government wanted to go to war. We are, as I posted earlier, The greatest nation in this world. However we do not have to trust our government, just our country and what it stands for, and that is FREEDOM.

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:20 PM
The saddest thing about our country is that even through all of this crap we still try to send aid to these countries that scream "Death to America!" You remember the tsunamis a couple of years back? The muslims were shouting that the tidal waves were sent to kill the infidels that were visiting. Yet, it is very funny that the majority of people who suffered and lost their lives were muslim. I am not saying that the death and destruction are funny just the fact that the clerics were shouting about the wave being sent by god to kill the infidels...

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:17 PM
Cut aid to single mothers? Do you know any single mothers that have gotten their benefits cut? My father died when I was 13 years old, hence the reason I am back in NY when I was studying in Florida to become a doctor. I have seen people milk the system for years. I know personally people who are 3rd generation welfare recipients. Its called laziness. These ***holes want to make money then they work for it. These people are irresponsible parasites who feed off of my tax money and yours too if you are a hard working american. Because I am white I did not get into the school that I wanted to get into and because I am white I got overlooked for many of the scholarships I applied for. So before you say that aid is being cut look around you. These people are getting plenty of aid. Sh*t they get enough money to live more than comfortably. Yes, I will acknowledge that some are in crappy situations not by their own personal choices but the beautiful thing about our country is that you can work your way out of those situations, and as for most of those single mothers out there, they should have used a condom...

NYBMX631's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:11 PM
Like I said before, we get the **** for what other countries won't stand up and do. When we stand up for other countries we are called evil. I'll give you a good example of evil, how about Stalin? You know how many people were killed during his rule? Or how about Mao? Oh and yeah now Putin and his new puppet president, what do you think they are scheming? I see the world split into two again in the near future...

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