sendingyoukisses's photo
Mon 11/24/08 01:14 AM
like your poem

sendingyoukisses's photo
Wed 11/12/08 03:38 AM
when i look back a year ago
at the person i was i can't believe i
treated you the way i did
i had so much crap going on in my life
at the time i didn't know what i wanted because
my life was so messed up when you said goodbye it was no suprise even though it broke my heart
i understood why you left
i never thought you would come back
when i got the call from you i was really shocked
you was the last person i thought i would ever hear from again
we talked for hours and you confessed your love for me
i never stopped loving you even though everyone said i should
your all i thought about this past year
now i'm your wife and my life couldn't be more complete i love you with all my heart
jr your the love of my life

sendingyoukisses's photo
Mon 11/10/08 10:53 PM
i just want to tell all my friends i got married on nov 1 2008 don't give up on finding the one for you i didn't meet him online we dated last year for about nine months i had so much going on in my life last year that i drove him away oct he called me and wanted to talk he came over and we stayed up all night talking a few days later we were going to dinner and he looked at me and asked me to marry him i said yes and we were married a few weeks later i know he is the one god made for me and i know there is someone out there for all of you best wishing and god bless all of you

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sun 09/21/08 07:19 PM
thank you all so much you have know idea how much all your prayers mean to me
god bless each and everyone of you

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:22 PM
thank you this was another shock my sister in mississippi lost her husband in may and now my sister in illinois lost her son he is from east peoria illinois he has left behind a 11 month old daughter who will only get to know her dad by seeing pictures very sad that all this had to happen i love you jeremy

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:17 PM
my 28 year old nephew died today in a motorcycle accident sept 20 2008 my sister is not doing good so i am asking all my friends to pray for her and her 4 kids thanks so much

sendingyoukisses's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:06 AM
thank you all

sendingyoukisses's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:03 AM
you came in my life when i needed a friend
now i owe you more than just my life
you gave me the love i was searching for
and no one will ever take me away from you
you showed me how much you cared
when i cried out to you
you came in and tooke all this hate
i was feeling away
now all i can say is i love you
and i thank you for being here
lord your my bestfriend
and i promise to love you forever

sendingyoukisses's photo
Wed 07/02/08 02:50 AM
the love i feel is only for you
you came in my life and took all my pain away
now i am a brand new woman
all because you showed me how much you loved me
and you would never hurt me or leave
opened my eye's and you showed me that what
i need was you
there is no man on this earth worth leaving you for
you are my father my bestfriend and the love of my life forever
lord i love you
and i want to thank you for loving me
like you do
even though i left you for awhile
you was always right here by my side
thank you lord for showing me how much you cared
i love you

sendingyoukisses's photo
Mon 06/30/08 12:07 PM
thank you all the lord is the way of life for those of you who do not know him he loves you with all of his heart

sendingyoukisses's photo
Mon 06/30/08 08:58 AM
lastnight i found the love i been searching for
no its not the love of a man on earth
it is the love of jesuse christ
he opened my eye's to the truth
and now i am free of all this pain i been going through
he loves everyone of us know matter what we have done
or haven't done he will never leave us or hurt us or unlove us
he is the truth he is the light and he is the love of my life
and i will forever hold him in my heart
cause he is the only love i need in my life
thank you lord for being there for me
thank you for setting me free
i love you lord

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:34 PM
i confess i kissed a girl

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:21 PM
very nice writing and so very true

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 06/28/08 10:42 AM
today i stopped caring
tomorrow will be a new day
all alone again is ok for me
cause for right now i need to take care of me
i haven't taken care of me in along time
and today is the day i do just that
love may come again but for now
all i am thinking about is me
and what i need and want in my life
and right now its not you
i only want to find the person i was
before i met you.
and be me again

sendingyoukisses's photo
Fri 06/27/08 05:02 PM
thank you it will get better it has to i can't handle anymore of this crap

sendingyoukisses's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:23 AM
my days are filled with saddness
my nights are filled with lonelyness
why can't i find the happiness i deserve
i am so tired of crying and hurting inside
all i want is a friend i can talk to
know one understands i was trying my best
to be what he wanted me to be
not knowing it was going to end up
like this
today was very sad and all i did was think about him
but tonight will only be worse cause there are things here that remind me of him
i can't throw them away even though i tried
all the love i feel inside has turned into hate
i never wanted to feel
why can't he see that i truely did love him
why couldn't he truely love me
what is wrong with me
why doesn't anyone want to love me
am i that bad of a person
that know one really wants to know the real me
they only want me to be
what they want me to be
why can't i just be the real me
so that everyone can see who i really am
not what they think i should be
cause this is the real me

sendingyoukisses's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:48 AM
i only write what i feel

sendingyoukisses's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:46 AM
he isn't just a piece of crap he is a freaking piece of dog crap but you know what this girl will do to him what he did to me and i think its going to be funny everyone say's he will call me when it happens and tell me he is sorry and beg for a second chance but he aint getting no second chance with me and if he does call me i will tell him to go get lost cause this girl doesn't want a piece of crap like him in her life

sendingyoukisses's photo
Fri 06/27/08 01:15 AM
when love goes wrong
i am told you never give up
because the right one will come along
but tonight i have given up
i know longer want to love or care for another man
am i wrong to feel the way i do
cause right now i feel empty inside
i have nothing to give anyone anymore
my heart i am closing to everyone but my kids
the only love i have to give is only for them
why do i feel like i do because i am tired of trying to find the one for me
there is know one out there for me
all the ones i do find are cheaters and liars
and honestly i can't give my heart to know one
ever again
because the pain is to much to bare
and i am done hurting over someone who really doesn't care

sendingyoukisses's photo
Fri 06/27/08 12:47 AM
i finally got it out of you
i new you was seeing someone else
its sad i had to get drunk to get it out of you but i did
now all i have to say is your a piece of crap
i sat her and waited on you knowing in my heart
there was someone else
you lied to me the whole freaking time
what i can't understand is why you looked me in my eye's
and told me i ment the world to you
when you new it wasn't true
why did you let me love and care for you and your sons when
you new that you didn't really love or care for me like you said you did
you are a piece of crap
you cheating lying piece of crap
just remember that what comes around goes around
and you will in the end get yours
so goodbye you lying cheating piece of crap

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