Community > Posts By > Mark

Mark's photo
Fri 10/28/22 10:37 PM
who wants a three card draw tarot reading for questions from the universe?

Mark's photo
Fri 10/28/22 10:33 PM
that's funny I come here to not think. and a thinking thread? I'm game for that. I come up with thoughts all the time, I have to put them on paper and visit them later. so who starts?

Mark's photo
Sun 09/18/22 06:11 AM
Time and Space.

Likes you but me

Mark's photo
Sun 09/18/22 06:10 AM
Time and Space.

Mark's photo
Sun 09/18/22 05:46 AM
Likes you but me - by KUB3. THATS ME!!!

Mark's photo
Thu 09/23/21 07:39 PM
want to meet women in their 30 and up who want to chat talk, do activities, antiques estate sales, restaurants in other towns and see what comes of it. IT professional during the week, have fun on weekends. I actually wouldn't mind falling in love. I know old school, chivalrous, hopeless romantic, time to find out what else is wrong with me.

Mark's photo
Wed 09/22/21 01:58 AM
why count? Happy how to be Happy, count how many times you are happy in a day. I bet you never notice when your happy. standing on the sidewalk, happy. bird craps on you sad, then car jumps curb hitting everyone beside you, Happy. Start counting happy. You make your self unhappy. don't like it, change it. Set your destination for happy. You will go through more than you ever know just to get there.

I whine about **** because I want to. stress reliever, but I am still trying. and actually I am happy doing it.
and the welcome happiness, well its kinda the same.

Mark's photo
Mon 09/13/21 02:59 PM
could you show me an example of a setup for ubuntu studio?

with virtualBox?

Mark's photo
Mon 09/13/21 02:58 PM
I am a regular user of Ubuntu (debian linux) with 20.04 LTS. Its interesting, programmer friendly, avoids laziness, more secure and legal(opensource licence).

Some important applications in linux that I use consistently :
1)Antivirus : ClamAV and ClamTk

2)UFW, GUFW Firewall

3)Timeshift (for backup)

4)PyCharm, Git (for programming)

5)VirtualBox( for OVA applications)

6)UGet Download Manager

7)BleachBit for cleaning files

8)OpenSemanticSearch (a competitive search engine)

9)CODE::BLOCKS(for C/C++)

I suppose that these apps with Linux makes your journey comfortable and inquisitive.

could you show me an example of a setup for ubuntu studio?

Mark's photo
Mon 09/13/21 02:57 PM
I love libre instead of excel. my problem is with VM or the centos version which I cant seem to setup correctly. l want win10, ubuntu studio, and centos8

Mark's photo
Sun 09/12/21 08:54 PM
I tried several different ways and someone else always says it better. And I always seem to be missing out on those I'm trying to hear from. I need help. Thanks