Community > Posts By > Murraybill

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Wed 06/19/13 10:54 PM
on what basis is that better? I can only assume it is because this 'all loving' God will subject me to eternal torment in his very own torture chamber, otherwise known as hell. all for the crime of using the faculties of reason he supposedly gave me and reaching the obvious conclusion that religion is bunkum. if he was real I wouldn't want anything to do with him - a power hungry, insecure sadist.

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Wed 06/19/13 10:40 PM
I appreciate the electric field, just not that there is anything remotely spiritual about it.
I enjoy a good argument but fair enough if it's not your cup of tea.

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Wed 06/19/13 10:03 PM
and how does one spot these alarming 'holes' in our auras if we can't see them? or are we just going with the thinking that since we have already simply decided they exist even though we can never see them, we may as well start assigning properties to them that suit our fairies and leprechauns belief system?

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Wed 06/19/13 09:56 PM
begs the question as to why you are so sure they exist? can't see them but still you're sure?

if it is the light spectrum and our inability to see outside a small range, belief must logically play zero role. is it our limited visual capacity that hides all these demons and angels tootling about us also? or is there another scientific reason why belief effects our vision?

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Wed 06/19/13 09:52 PM
ok that makes it easier. you said can't see the full spectrum so can't see auras. so it must follow that you can't see auras whether you believe in them or not. simples

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Wed 06/19/13 02:50 PM
hehe, bit of a problem with your logic there. I know we can only see a small part of the spectrum, but you then go on to say that if I don't believe in auras I won't see presumably you're suggesting that if you believe in them you'll suddenly be able to see more of the spectrum. first part was science, second part hocus pocus.

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Tue 06/18/13 10:35 PM
protective aura? what do mean, I can only hope you are referring to our skin, otherwise that is just crazy talk. put your tin foil hat away and quit the shrooms. the subjective is undoubtedly convincing but an hallucination is still just an hallucination, no matter how real it seemed.

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Tue 06/18/13 10:27 PM
oh come on people, ghosts? angels and demons?? really? and all the stuff people talk about in their 'encounters' is so bland. surely they would have more interesting stuff to do than hang around a kitchen whispering in the middle of the night. when you're dead you're dead and that's all folks. if ghosts were real surely they could make it interesting with some good pranks or something? all they ever seem to do is loiter about scratching and whispering to people with too much time on their hands and a couple beers short of a six pack.

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Tue 06/18/13 09:48 PM
surely you jest? if not, then simple answer is no. of course not. there is no such thing and if there were I'm sure they'd have better things to do.

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Tue 06/18/13 08:56 PM
I love a good story as much as the next person but have the good sense to know the difference between a story and reality. you really should stop believing in fairy tales once you grow up.
and if you haven't masturbated then I implore you to stop what you're doing, find a bathroom and get cracking! for your own sake. you can thank me later :)

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Tue 06/18/13 08:48 PM
yeah all well and good...if your sky fairy actually existed. sadly for you he doesn't so you may as well have fun while your here because there ain't going to be any afterlife.

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Tue 06/18/13 08:12 PM
we are two Australian guys in mid thirties travelling around Oregon next month keen to meet people for a few beers and some fun. if anyone is interested drop us a line.