Community > Posts By > soncatcher

soncatcher's photo
Thu 01/18/07 08:38 PM
Well its like this, I do help them some, maybe to much. a couple of days
ago there was a drive by shooting 2 doors from them, and now I am scared
for them and my daughter is scared. WHen I told Dave I wanted to help
them get moved, he jumped all over me. saying they will never be able to
make it if I keep helping them . I agree to some degree but what do I
do, I feel like i need to help this time. he just hates to see me work
so hard and just give my money away. Which he is right I do work hard.
My daughter is young and dumb, with 3 kids and her husband is doing all
he can do to make ends meet.

soncatcher's photo
Thu 01/18/07 08:31 PM
Do you all help your kids, or is it just me?

soncatcher's photo
Thu 01/18/07 08:28 PM
I need some help guys and gals, i AM IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A GUY WHO
Sorry about the caps.. but anyway sometimes they need halp with bills or
groceries, not real often but often enough. Dave gets upset with me if I
send them any money. and no Its not his money I'm sending. I work for
what I have. What is yor take on this?

soncatcher's photo
Thu 01/18/07 08:21 PM
Maybe so, He has money. I don't have much but I am the type of person
that would help anyone in need not just my kids. he on the other hand is
not that way. What is his is his. I mean he likes the finer things in
life and will spend on me. but to just give anyone who needs help it is
not him.

soncatcher's photo
Thu 01/18/07 08:02 PM
Thu 01/18/07 07:51 PM
I need some help guys and gals, i AM IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A GUY WHO
Sorry about the caps.. but anyway sometimes they need halp with bills or
groceries, not real often but often enough. Dave gets upset with me if I
send them any money. and no Its not his money I'm sending. I work for
what I have. What is yor take on this?

soncatcher's photo
Thu 01/18/07 07:37 PM
How Beautiful, That is how I feel about my ex, Wish him well

soncatcher's photo
Thu 01/18/07 07:16 PM
Good evening guys, want some company

soncatcher's photo
Wed 01/17/07 05:45 PM
You guys are wide open tonight

soncatcher's photo
Wed 01/17/07 05:12 PM
I see it is bumpy.... can't keep up with everyone yonight, all over the

soncatcher's photo
Wed 01/17/07 05:04 PM
you all should try and confuse me, I just started chatting, and this is
what I get.

soncatcher's photo
Wed 01/17/07 04:55 PM
Hey All, from NC.

soncatcher's photo
Wed 01/17/07 03:52 PM
Hey all, how is everyone

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:50 PM
Nite Leroy

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:47 PM
Good nite Cybear. ((((hugs to you)))

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:43 PM
Okay I will, but gonna say goodnite have to get up early for work, but
I'll be back tomorrow night. Sleep well guys.

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:36 PM
I'll be gentle, I promise...LOL

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:33 PM
Thanks for sharing, cyberbear, nice to meet you

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:26 PM
and yes you 2 do look like sisters.

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:24 PM
Yes there are, everyone needs a friend. You guys have been so nice!!!!

soncatcher's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:21 PM
Hey Leroy, Nice to meet ya