Community > Posts By > luv2lick70

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Fri 08/29/08 07:16 AM
Lets be honest. At least, if you're going to be a racist redneck, have the balls to say it. You hate Obama mostly because he is black and you can't stand the thought of a black man probably doing a better job than the lot of white presidents have done for a long time.

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Fri 08/29/08 07:14 AM
Are you F!@@*ng serious? What did he lie about? That is why republiCANTS can win elections. They can always count on the deaf, blind and dumb to vote for them. He is a baby Hitler. See, the problems didn't start with Jimmy Carter. Yes there was a hostage situation and he tried resolving it but ran out of time. Reagan takes over, Lebanon happens (marine barracks bombing) and Reagan, that great bastion (maybe bastard) of conservatism that you guys are so proud of, CUT AND RUN!!! That emboldened Islamo-fascists into thinking that they could make America come to her knees the way they did with Russia. Read you history and don't let Rush Limp or Bill Orally read it for you.

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Fri 08/29/08 07:05 AM
My friend, that is plain and simple FASCISM! Remember, there is a saying that goes' " When FASCISM comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sound familiar? RepubliCANTS anyone?

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Fri 08/29/08 07:01 AM
Nice thought but doesn't make it right. Bush has no love for this country. Only a small percentage of it and he has done his best to serve those 1% to the best of his ability.

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Fri 08/29/08 06:58 AM
Yep. Typical dumbass response from someone who intellectually can't compete so they have to resort to, "why don't you just leave?" You know a lady told me the same thing over a bumper sticker I have about Bush and I told her to go F!!?* herself and if she didn't like it, she could leave.

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Fri 08/29/08 06:55 AM
Why is it that when international organizations call out other countries, they are doing their jobs, but when they call out the US, all of a sudden, they are puppets who hate us, etc? I am proud of my country but think it is run by dirt bags. I'd like to know how many of you so called flag-waving patriots have ever served in the military? I have and have lost many friends there. Disagreeing about things is what makes us Americans and unique in the world because we are guaranteed those rights. Of course, you fascists don't like things that way because the only correct opinion is yours. That's what got us into this mess. A true patriot questions his government when he sees crimes being committed. Is your love of your country or your party? Think about that.

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Fri 08/29/08 06:48 AM
The problem is, if a liberal said something intelligent, how would you know? You are obviously one of those good old Nascar watching, tobacco chewing, wife beating, anyone not lilly-white hating rednecks who got this country into the problems we face by voting for Bush twice. "He looks like someone I can have a beer with." How stupid are you f?$!ing people? I would rather have a president I feel way inferior too (Gore, Obama) than some dumbass who is below my intellect. You see, the president has to be able to UNDERSTAND those intelligence reports. Can't do that when you don't have any. Too bad you idiots thought Gore sounded, "Too intelligent" for the job. I think we should just split up the country in 2, the south, with a big wall around it(red states) and everyone else. Yes Bush should be tried for war crimes as well as Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Libby and anyone else in the administration who was implicit or knew about what was going to happen and did nothing. You guys who voted for them should be tried as accessories to the crime. After the trial, we can move forward with the intelligent people and restore our country to her former glory and standing in the world.