Community > Posts By > catwoman96

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/25/09 03:07 AM
i so wonder what happens to something when it gets sucked into a black hole..........i guess it jsut is like digested by the black hole.

kinda like if i was to eat me a hamburger

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/25/09 03:01 AM
Edited by catwoman96 on Sat 04/25/09 03:02 AM
ya i saw that the Andromeda galaxy and the milky way are on a collision course of some sort...

amazing actually that he milky way has stayed intact for however long it has been a part of this universe......

I realize the black hole is light years away from earth....but still it seems the whole galaxy somehow rotates around it. idk

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/25/09 02:30 AM
at the center of the milky way their is presumed to be a black hole. Now this black hole is aprox 26,000 light-years away.....

now i jsut wonder what would it actually take for the earth to be sucked into the center of our galaxy.

or what would happen if some other large planet or space materail was sucked into the milky ways black hole.

i seem to see doom everywhere...or maybe im jsut feeling a gravitational pull of somesortohwell

catwoman96's photo
Wed 04/22/09 05:52 PM

Would'nt it be nice to know that your family member will get great service from experts in a hospital that aren't overwhelmed, aren't in debt, and do treat you professionally without you have to worry after the procedure how much money you have to pay. IS nice. and i see care given like this EVERY shift I WORK.

of course...i see people that are INPATIENTS....i dont see my hopsital slamming the doors on anyone...perhaps i should transfer to ER.......maybe THATS where we slam the doors at and give horrible medical care.......because at alll of the hospiatls that Ive worked still waiting to see this horrible medical care.frown

catwoman96's photo
Wed 04/22/09 05:37 PM
I am not under the assumpition that the majority of the 359 billionaires DONT help boost the economy. afterall they pay taxes. They probably even provide jobs to many people also. they spend money.
and Im sure that they donate money to charites of their choosing.

what more should we expect them to give??
universal healthcare????
and ONLY the billioanres can be expected to contiubte into this tax hike so we can ALL receive EQUAL QUALITY carelaugh laugh laugh
well i guess that could a honest society where there wasnt crooked people in AND out of the government

interesting to note the number of billionares in the US. i dont really pay much attention to numerical counts like that...but interesting nonetheless.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 02:03 AM there is some serious scammers on that place. jokesters/pranksters/con artists

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 02:02 AM

Hey. What's so funny!!!

u got to be joking. spam is easy to detect...

and i got a scammer alarm that goes offf constantly

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 01:33 AM

I haven't come across any yet!

laugh noway laugh noway laugh noway laugh noway laugh noway

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 01:32 AM
i guess i would include spam...but it is not limited to spam either

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 01:30 AM
I dont mean spam.

i mean scammers. users. molesters. child pervs. sluts. tramps. gold diggers.

any sort of this type of people.

im guessing 75-80%. of all online sites/setups overall.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 01:18 AM

On this site or.....

any site...although some sights are worse. and my space for instance is more teenie of course you got pervs out looking fro them.

im being very general with my term "scammer"

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 01:17 AM
I was thinking 75-80% of the online world was really some sort of 'scammer' give or take.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 01:10 AM
what do u think the percentage of scammers makes up internet profiles?????

u know...scammers?????????

any sort of scammer.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 04/18/09 01:07 AM
mutual matching is about going through a bunch of profiles..checking the pics and skimming a profile or two....

and if u see one u are interested check YES...and if your lucky...they also find you attractive.

or they find your profile not to be disgusting anyhow

catwoman96's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:43 AM
blah. our president is entertainment.

his book sales are the proof.
when is the movie coming out????

and the fact that seriosuly he jsut wants his face and name plastered everywhere.

i am reminded of saddam's statues that he had built (that were later toppled) in Iraq.

im currently awaiting the obama statues to start going up somewhere in all downtown cities.

and im sure glad I didnt buy the book. nor even check it out from the library.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 04/08/09 08:18 AM
bigsmile we have our momentsbigsmile

catwoman96's photo
Wed 04/08/09 07:37 AM
saturday night. we split a slice of strawberry cheescake with whipped cream and bigg strawberries. he fed me bites..i fed him some bites. he got whipped cream all over my face...and i think he was trying to. We didnt eat the cheese cake inside the restaurant..we got it to go and parked and ate it front of a closed jewelry store.
we parked and jsut talked in the dark.

then the romance ended...we had to go pick up my teenie boper and her friend from the movie theater.

still........a perfect moment

catwoman96's photo
Tue 04/07/09 07:02 PM
i am in fear about what the next four years brings. and if he gets reelected in 2012..i will assume the destruction of the whole earth as we know it is near

catwoman96's photo
Tue 04/07/09 10:02 AM
of course I also think they should be locked down. and yes with rapists and murderers. as they are from the same ilk. and shouldnt be allowed to walk the streets.

BUT i guess alcohol is pretty bad and destructive also..
so I do see the hypocrisy.
although alcohol is only a crime if your DUI or PI

catwoman96's photo
Tue 04/07/09 09:57 AM
correct....addiction activates and TURNS ON certain receptors in the brain. that will never ever again be completly turned OFF. although the level of addicion might vary...i believe meth is one fo the worst ones. it completly rewires your brain.

but again....the person KNEW the danger and proceded anyway.

I would only cry crocidle tears for an addict.
2 sayings come to mind............

once an addict always an addict.
the child will pay for the sins of their father

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