If you have faith in the Lord read the bible stories of the meal and oil that never runs out, or how to get water from a rock? Turning water into wine? Ravens bringing food? It's not the question of poverty but where is you're faith?
Oklahoma has a Chinese warrior shooting his bow into the air, probably at the geese that's everywhere?
humor in icy roads?
Everyone knows snow pack leads to white ice, most people understand black ice, but the controversial ice is Indian ice with apatchy here and apatchy there and its likely to sneak up on you.
Where is everyone at?
Don't know about you I'm getting to know several here outside of Tulsa
Since when do dogs and cats have morals, sex today is no different than it ever has been since man first begun.
is it bad that...
Yes there's older men looking for younger partners/wife? Question is do you want a abusive man you're age or a caring lovable man who's older?
You can spend you're whole life with you're partner/ spouse and upon thier death you'll find you never really knew them? Find something you both can agree upon, for no one is perfect.
Can you date a younger guy
I prefer younger for lack of experiance, innocent are more fun