Community > Posts By > LaurenCan

LaurenCan's photo
Fri 05/03/13 05:35 AM
Goodness, what a friendly bunch of people. 39 pages of people wanting to be friends. I thought conversation would have progressed a bit more from the first page up to now, but I suppose not! Not sure where to go from here...

LaurenCan's photo
Fri 05/03/13 05:24 AM
Edited by LaurenCan on Fri 05/03/13 05:27 AM
getting dumps of 5+ feet of snow is not normal for most of the world.

Kangaroos have very large claws.

Electrical outlets in New Zealand and Australia have on/off switches. I never thought about it before, but everyone always asks "if you don't have them in Canada, what happens if you put something in the socket?" Well, everyone around gets a laugh. that's what happens.

Accepting new cultures and living in small communities is the best way to learn about a new place.

Mostly though, Try everything at least once. When travelling, be like the "Yes Man". Just have a go at whatever comes your way!