Community > Posts By > dhi06

dhi06's photo
Sun 06/16/13 03:20 AM
To0 much paim in my heart , i can't breathe , i can't laugh
S0 much pain that turns int0 tears ,escaping through my eyes ,running in my cheeks
I want to end this life ,it leaves me n0 opti0n
the 0nly choice i have
I want to escape this life
Do it in just one try than feel it day by day the pain that killing me inside
l00sing h0pe ,feels n0 0ne else care
Being s0 far away makes me cry each day
I want to end this life ,to end this pain
But yet i Still want to live and try again 0ne m0re time .

I want to see them Happy .

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/15/13 03:53 AM
,my two best talents are always smiling and n0t having a talent at all :-D ,. Anti-talent is i d0nt have any talent , .or i didnt disc0ver it yet

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/15/13 03:20 AM
,.happy father's day ,.tnx f0r reminding

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/15/13 03:08 AM
'sad sad
i did stupid thing yesterday ,.frustrated

dhi06's photo
Sat 06/15/13 12:31 AM
If a pers0n can l0ve you unc0nditi0naly then that pers0n will als0 be able to hurt you unbelievably.
Because a beautiful mirr0r can turn into a dangerous weap0n after it breaks.
S0 be careful 0n breaking s0me0nes heart .
Hello every0ne , h0w are you d0in today ? .been busy this week , h0pe you a great weekend .

dhi06's photo
Thu 06/13/13 09:38 AM

thinking that why im always confused. why i cant take anydecession. im really fustrated. every1 is putting their own opinions into my mind. they say im not doing right thing. wish i could just die(noone will care). Im tired of being judged by people. fck! i cant even explain my state in english. i suck.
be your self u sh0uld be the one deciding 4 your self ,.d0 what makes you happy .

dhi06's photo
Thu 06/13/13 09:32 AM
Sh0rt range - finish supp0rting my c0llege sister in her financial
intermidiate - buying my own house and l0t ,
l0ng term range - having my 0wn family and being stable .

dhi06's photo
Thu 06/13/13 05:38 AM
,,get well soon ,,prayers for your recoveryflowerforyou

dhi06's photo
Thu 06/13/13 02:34 AM
'yup my best friend , .she l0ves and miss me ,.

dhi06's photo
Wed 06/12/13 02:22 AM
, happy b0rn day krish , .is your user name n0w is krishk21?

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/11/13 01:30 PM

What is being the right person?
,d0nt see that c0ming let's g0ogle it .:-D

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/11/13 12:33 PM
S0 many pe0ple are trying to find the right pers0n instead of being the Right pers0n ,. Agree or disagree ? ?

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/11/13 11:27 AM


,.yup tnx kik .:-)

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/11/13 09:34 AM
,tnx , .m0re p0wer girls . .:-D

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/11/13 09:22 AM
Get up girl see what have he d0ne to you
Stand up girl a br0ken heart can't help you
when it's through it's through
Destiny have s0me0ne g0od f0r you
S0 c0me 0n girl m0ve 0n and be str0ng
Sh0w the w0rld that n0 0ne can mess around you .

dhi06's photo
Tue 06/11/13 07:14 AM

Hahah you're funny tongue2 :thumbsup:
,ehe and you are beautiful ,.:-D

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 10:11 PM

,,hey were not supposed to celebrate here,,but anyway its fine ehe

you are sad. and imalso sad. let's paaartey....
,,ok :smile:

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 09:54 PM
,,tnx 2kids and pk ,i want to take the flowers for real ,,

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 09:51 PM

,,hey were not supposed to celebrate here,,but anyway its fine ehe

dhi06's photo
Mon 06/10/13 10:10 AM
just when i thought i have found someone
just when i thought he could be the one
but then he dropped me down and he is gone
ahh he is a complicated man like everyone
i've learned new lesson from someone
be careful next time 'coz i'm not different from anyone
things are done and nothing can be done
move on and love your self more
just be more careful on trusting someone
till next time everyone.