If you are a practicing christian, you would want to research the topic.
I can only help by being gentle and humble. What I sow is between you and God to harvest. There are plenty of verses in scripture that speak about homosexuals. God designed this world. It is "His" creation. It is "His" rules. Therefore, if we love God, we abide to His commandments. Secondly, we are called to love one another. But we are not called to love the sin. We are called to repent our sins and practice a righteous walk in Christ. God created Adam first. Then with Adam's rib, God created a helper- the woman named Eve. Why did not God create another man? after Adam Or why did God not create a woman first? Why did God make the role of the man to be the head of the house? Why is God not called "Mother" but instead, "Father?" Satan is the author of confusion. God bless. Lilith was created first |