Cat or Dog person? And Why?
I read your answer that described a cat's indifference to your throwing a stick, mouse, ringing ball, whatever, for them it's a multiple choice decision and they let you know it.Sometimes they stare you down like "Did I say throw the ball?". My dog buddy was exactly like that when it came to throwing balls, Frisbee, sticks or bundled newspaper, whatever it was, he may or may not chase after it first looking at me then the ball, then back to me, and makes a dash for the object, grabs it, proceeds to lay down . When I call to him or go to him he takes whatever it is with his mouth and moves few feet away, starring at me, as if to say, "You threw this thing away, you didn't want it so now it's mine, so BACK OFF, master.
Cat or Dog person? And Why?
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Mon 04/08/13 01:01 AM
There's many reasons why people have animals, and love the others as well, but my take on My inclination towards Dogs or any animal that is receptive to it's caretaker, and can show some effort in expressing their joy to have a home with you. My Dog "Buddy", passed over the rainbow bridge not yet 3 months ago at the age of 19 (133 dog years). I haven't felt a loss so powerful from any passing of people in or around my life. A video I saw on StumbleUpon entitled,"The difference between Cats and Dogs", contains an excellent way to describe their differences with one example. The mother Dog is shown teaching (rather patiently,)her pup to venture down a flight of stairs. It goes on for about a minute and a half, I almost lost interest).Then, the video captures a mother Cat observing her Kitten attempting to reach the first step of the stairs. After 30 seconds of Kitty, reaching out with that first paw,Mother Cat raises her Paw and "BAM! down the stairs goes Kitty!
"That's the Difference between Cats and Dogs". |
Rip my profile
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Mon 04/08/13 12:38 AM
If you have constructive observations, inquisitive by nature,and have the secret to youth, intelligence, beauty, and a mind that is trained through LOVE form the heart, I would encourage your opinion. I understand in the whole picture of things my opinion is supposed to be the only one that matters, but I strongly disagree. If it weren't for the sharing of ideas, opinions, beliefs, many traditions, higher exsistence ,and things of spiritual nature,had not been repeated to another person we would have never known that this "School of thought", exsisted as things have continued to be of religeuos, Historical,and signifigant observations, to the physical and mental BALANCE of our modern day society in the 21st century
I have been to a couple of the wider recognized Social meeting sites, dedicated to Gay men. I found that although I enjoy the topic, practice, and discussion of a Sexual nature, I realized I'm NOT the kind of person who is INTERESTED in "Right Now or NEVER". People who ONLY look at pictures and connect without reading the profile that comes with it, ME. Most important, people without purpose, and out of boredom, send smiles, kisses, thumbs up, or any message containing less than three words.If contacted, I prefer to begin with, what drew your attention to my profile, and what motivates them to contact and follow thru.