Community > Posts By > fivespeedrt

fivespeedrt's photo
Wed 02/07/07 08:32 PM
how is everyone doin?

fivespeedrt's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:32 PM
any one that remembers me goin on about that girl that i was dating its
over with. Took some hard lesssons with it but u learn i guess. Learned
not to spend a boat load of money when ur dating somone and somtimes its
best to take things slow instead of sinking ur heart and soul into
somone and hoping it works out for the best. I guess its time to go find
another fish in the sea hopfully this one will be better to me.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 04:04 PM
well that was bluntly put..... i would never hit a girl thats just
wrong. Its goin to be best to end it.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 11:16 AM
i will dude thanks all for the advice. :) Its kinda ironic if u think
about it some women think guys are assholes but somone women can be
assholes to guys just the same.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:35 AM
both of u bring up very good pts all of that is ture.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:23 AM
wow venusrose thanks for that comment thats really got me thinking. If
everyone was able to do that no one in the world would ever have
relationship problems.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:23 AM
wow venusrose thanks for that comment thats really got me thinking. If
everyone was able to do that no one in the world would ever have
relationship problems.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:17 AM
that is a good pt im tryin to think if there isnt anything i havnt been
thru yet so far i have been with quite ones and wild ones...

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:09 AM
thats ture i got to face facts and leave her just sucks i wasted all
that time.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:06 AM
I think its over anyways her mom said never talk to me again for what
she did to me.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:59 AM
chopperdan- u do have a pt...that wouldnt have been good thou if we got
pulled over most likly she would have ended up in a jail cell for the
night. There would have been a chance i would have been in there with

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:55 AM
im finding it odd cause i seem to find the ones with a fuse lit at both
ends and its just a matter of time before they explode. Everything seems
to be goin good then they explode. Any suggestions on finding people
that are actually worth while?

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:51 AM
That is ture. Somtimes i wish i could switch brains with somone casue
somtimes i feel i make disisions based on impulse not lookin at the
whole picture. I have a prob of looking past things as i said before
when i should be like wtf u hit me. I was ready to pull over and leave
her ass on the side of the road as it is really hard to drive when u
have somone hittin u goin down the road at 60 and she was abusing me but
then id have her bro and numerous other people after me so that wouldnt
have been good.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:46 AM
that is ture songbird i am. beats the hell out of me why i always find
the bad apples in the barrel. I'm seeing that i am better then that i
just dont know y all the bad ones are comin towards me.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:42 AM
yeh that this true the kinda of funny thing is i expected it kinda i
knew she shouldnt have had those shots and all those other dinks she
should have stuck to bud light. I had groups of people talking to me at
the bar last night that didnt even know her sayin she was crazy. I do
agree with them. Its one of those ticking time bombs u cant control
women when they are drunk

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:33 AM
chuckee- im not whining about things. I know how to handle relationships
and make disisions. everyone makes diffrent disisions then other people.
Some on the other hand may not be what u would think are logical but
somtimes i do go off the bord a little. I post things just to get
responses from things and see peoples opinion on things somtimes. I have
never askes anyone to hold my hand thru life where u get in life is ur
own doing no one elses. - Good luck in ur dating life as well

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:25 AM
that is ture dude tryin to talk to somone who is drunk isnt a good
thing. She has been living w her parents for a time, I had guys after me
lastnight wanting to kick my ass i think, she has to move out soon now,
and the drinkin thing is a regular occurance. I was kinda messsed up
too. I should have waited till today to talk to her instead of last

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:18 AM
i grew up with alot of abuse and anger dude i guess im used to it. I
know how to channel pain. Until somone breaks bones or lands me in the
hospital then i condisder somone whalein on me a big deal

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:16 AM
well its just kinda werid casue im one who can take somone hittin me. It
wasnt a big deal to me im still feeing it a little from today she can
hit good for a girl

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:14 AM
srry my spelling is bad i typed fast and didnt notice mistakes till
after i posted it