Community > Posts By > Chillaxxxer
Interesting.....Distance has absolutely nothing to do with a relatioship working out or not. Many live in the same vicinity and don't work out. It's the humans involved that r the issue. you are right... basically it's the humans involved that are the issue but as for the 'distance part', i have a lil different view... distance plays the part of an inhibitor when it comes to relationships... no one can argue that, so that means that it can potentially set back relationships which could have been better had they been together... |
It was my fault... I piled on more pressure on her that she can take..... I know people will call it the impatience of youth, but i would say that there is only so much one can hold out... And since you made the point about 'worthy to wait', i know i was definitely worth the wait...but there is so much difference in our cultures....... i am an indian.. she is an american. in her culture, she can choose whoever she wants as a partner....I CAN'T ... call it the scourge of my society/country/culture or whatever you want...but i wouldn't blame her for not seeing a future in me.....
towards the end i only persisted because i know i couldn't break off... there is no impatience of youth here......there is just rationale/ reality dominating fantasy.... in a perfect world, we would be together... but in a perfect world , there would be no races,creed,caste,religion,barriers, anything.... people still can't believe we held on for so long..... it lasted because it wasnt built on just fit like the cogs of a wheel...and once we realised the wheel couldnt take us had to put the brakes.. and i'm glad she did it... because i need to face it, i was too much of a coward and could never have done it. Sorry for spamming with my story( not relevant for most) but i just needed to take it off my mind... |
I've had a long distance relationship for like 8 months... i only pursued it because i knew some day we would be together. but the thing with long distance relationships is trust're not really close to her to know what's happening in her matter how much you skype or call her... and there will always be ******** hitting on your girlfriend all the time....even when they know she has a bf.. how much can a girl hold out ?....
so , after 8 months of the most memorable and magical relationship, she left me..... it was just 2 days ago... i'll always love her. but i also want her to be happy. i will never blame her...she did what was best for her..i am a student and can't leave my city and i cant get close to her anywhere within one year... i hope she lives a happy life...<3 . love has no measure, love has no barriers, love has no end.. she'll always be my best love ever.. miss you babe... :') |