Community > Posts By > angelbaby1920

angelbaby1920's photo
Thu 07/17/08 01:35 PM
thank you ^_^

angelbaby1920's photo
Thu 07/17/08 10:00 AM

uh huh.... so the best way to get the guy to be a man and ask me out is to either be uglier or intimidate the hell outta the poor bastard..... somehow i dont think that would actually work for me......

Okay...since I can't message you and say this in private (due to your settings and all), I will post this here. Just don't get mad at me for making this observation about you and this situation. Okay?

You are too damn hung up on finding a relationship, and you are obsessed with this "I'm so pretty, but the guys won't ask me out even though I know they want to, blah..blah." You sound arrogant about how you look. I don't mind that you like how you look, but you come off as being someone who thinks that "Wow. I am pretty yet why can I not get a guy? I am pretty. This should be easy for me."

As I mentioned earlier, I really feel you are sending out the wrong vibes to guys. If a guy feels that a women is hot, but she acts with a "b*tchy" attitude, he is not gonna waste his time. Not saying you do this. I am trying to show you how guys will take to you. You also seem to be a chick who has tons of guy friends, which is cool. But, when you start off as friends, crossing that line becomes hard. Getting to know someone and then dating is cool. But, when you get to know someone and you get into that "friends zone" then if an attraction occurs, it becomes difficult to cross that friends line.

Just relax. Understand that dating is not an exact science. Oh, and as to intimidation. I think you intimidate guys already with your "good looks". Like has been stated, guys see a good looking woman and they feel that she is out of there league. That, and the fear of rejection hits.

okay cool... i see where youre coming from....... and for the record, i was actually afraid of putting some of that stuff down in my original questions (ie.. the guys think im hot stuff) because i didnt want people to think i am arrogant but i put it down because it illustrates me point..... honestly i think im about average and i think its a really big compliment when anyone tells me im pretty, and i always say thank you because they didnt have to say that..... and yes i do want a relationship eventually but thats not what im really interested in at this point, sorry if i came off that way... i just want to be able to enjoy things with people... i just gdt so tired of being around all my friends who are in nice relationships and im always the single one... thats al and since you guys are on here, i would assume its the same for you... lifes just better when theres that one person you can turn to no matter what and know that they care about you in a way that no one else does.......

angelbaby1920's photo
Thu 07/17/08 09:26 AM
uh huh.... so the best way to get the guy to be a man and ask me out is to either be uglier or intimidate the hell outta the poor bastard..... somehow i dont think that would actually work for me......

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 09:13 PM

alright.... i get that asking the guy out is the best thing to do if he doesnt.... but the thought that floats around in my mind is that if i am the one that asks him out, will i be the one who has to do everything? ie will i have to put forth all the effort to attempt to make something of what is?.... thats why my "relationships" (if you can call them that) never work.. because i exhaust myself trying to make everyone happy but i never get any effort/ attention returned

I think you just answered your own question.:wink:

what do you mean? how so?

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 09:07 PM
alright.... i get that asking the guy out is the best thing to do if he doesnt.... but the thought that floats around in my mind is that if i am the one that asks him out, will i be the one who has to do everything? ie will i have to put forth all the effort to attempt to make something of what is?.... thats why my "relationships" (if you can call them that) never work.. because i exhaust myself trying to make everyone happy but i never get any effort/ attention returned

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:56 PM

Okay... so my question is... why is it that guys hit on me all the time and say that I'm beautiful, hot, sexy ect. and yet it never actually get as far as a date?..... or better yet.... Why is it that guys will talk amongst themselves about me ( I can hear them bcuz apparently no one knows how to whisper anymore) but no one eve has the guts to ask me out?

whats up with that? advice?... points of views?
Stay away from Vitamin C!!!scared

huh? im confused..... but if that was supposed to be an insult then w/e not like i would ever...

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:29 PM

Okay... so my question is... why is it that guys hit on me all the time and say that I'm beautiful, hot, sexy ect. and yet it never actually get as far as a date?..... or better yet.... Why is it that guys will talk amongst themselves about me ( I can hear them bcuz apparently no one knows how to whisper anymore) but no one eve has the guts to ask me out?

whats up with that? advice?... points of views?

They are intimidated. If they have talked to you, then maybe you talk too much. Somehow, I doubt that is it though.

I think they are intimidated by you. If you come off as "pure", then they have plans on having sex or playing around and you seem more like the type to marry. One would hate to abuse one who is Pure. At least I would. I had a friend like that who was perfect. But Church was also her life, and Church could never be my life, unless maybe I had kids. Anyways, I never tried to be with her because I am afraid I would hurt her (not by cheating or anything) but because of my imperfections.

I cuss, she doesn't. I like rated R movies, she likes rated G or PG. It just wouldn't work.

Opposites attract, my ass.

lol.... okay... thank you..... see that the kind of reponse i was looking for.... and sometimes thats what i think it is.... becuase i swear that i am really nice.. i treat ppl how i want to be treated so i know its not my attitude...idk... but some of the posters here are right... i just need to give it time... it was just something i was thinking about tonight and i figured id ask away

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:17 PM

ok u are 19 years old and umm you have been asked out 4 times and sounds like u do most of the asking many boyfriends have you had?
u are only 19!!!
Sounds to me like you are a rare commodity at your work place you work w/ alot of guys?
The best looking chick gets all the compliments...(been there done
But there is a time when u have to distinguish between a compliment..(which guys will dish out by the pound, especially if they feel it will get them somewhere..ha ha) or someone that is sincerly looking for a relationship or date..not all guys giving compliments are seeking a date..just my train of thought.

very well said cinderella!!

actually ive only ever had one boyfriend... it never gets that far... one to three dates and then its done.... some one is always too busy or has other problems to deal with so that never leaves any time or energy for dating to turn into something more.....hence why im on here

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:15 PM

Maybe they assume you're taken because you're so pretty. Have you tried approaching them?

actually yeah... that seems to be what it comes to almost every time.... like this past year... hanging out a lot with a friend, with a large group mind you... he was always by my side.... but he would never ask me out or even talk to me outside of the group.... it drove me insane and i could never understand it... even his best friend told me that he liked me and he still didnt ask me out so i did it for him......... that seems to always be my story

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:54 PM
okay... try this.... ive only ever been asked out 4 times in my life.... ive had to do the asking every other time.... i get hit on every day at work... i have coworkers who come giggling to tell me about one group of guys or another who were saying something about me and yet no one ever seems to have the guts to actually say hi atleast to me..... it kinda really frustrating because i meet a lot of really great guys, but it seems like i never even have a chance.... so for me so far it has been like "every guy"......

angelbaby1920's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:48 PM
Okay... so my question is... why is it that guys hit on me all the time and say that I'm beautiful, hot, sexy ect. and yet it never actually get as far as a date?..... or better yet.... Why is it that guys will talk amongst themselves about me ( I can hear them bcuz apparently no one knows how to whisper anymore) but no one eve has the guts to ask me out?

whats up with that? advice?... points of views?