my awesome zoo creatures!!
eats other peoples boogers ...sharing IS caring lol |
wants to dress up like a panda and get off while being told how "endangered" she is lol
eats thier own boogers
a temporary kitten set up.....ugh
as a ramen chef id like to state - that i personally dont find it shocking, but impressive. lol cuz i could burn water if unsupervised.......
Lefty or Righty
im righty - so mon-fri i use my left - sat-sun i use my right
kinda new here?
oh herrow!! i remember you as well - how are you? (- and thnx for the warm welcome tammy)
kinda new here?
I was here when it was jsh - and now im back - just wanted to say hi to ne1 ill come to know or used to know
Pet and love of animals post
i love animals! 4 mules 6 horses 5 dogs 2 cats 2 leopard geckos 2 parakeets 1 calf and 2 pigs - just wanted to officially note that i like this topic.
Topic:, seriously.
what?! what does that even mean? how? why? - i dont mean to offend im just curious........
Topic:, seriously.
i actually think i got kicked out of my friends apartment about a month ago by his ghosts - havent been back since. i know that seems crazy but yea......
uses for a rubber chicken
depends on how kinky you are lol
LOL This is toooooo funny
lol too funny
Looking bad......
make sure that they trip and drown in a bowl of cereal...................jk
fill in the missing word
YAY!! I WIN! ok i know this isnt like a game or nethin - but im bored so i have to find some way to stimulate my mind and entertain me.............................................YAY I WIN!! lol
oh thnx yellowrose! im so glad ppl are so welcoming - but then again this is a texas forum lol
Guide to Understanding Men
lol men are easy - all that makes sense - what ppl really need is a guide to women, cuz lets face it we are way more complicated.
fill in the missing word
sex. You got the body of the devil and you smell like sex. - thats how the song goes.........