Community > Posts By > EvyT

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:16 PM
Fair-weather friends and lovers
Sublime for a time
At least in minimal moments (during their season)
That despite their length
Create memories
Which last a lifetime

Secrets revealed in fragments
Parts of feelings divulged in bits of held breaths
During silent conversations.
Air becomes like water. . . . . . . . Suffocating
When waiting for a response (we're drowning)

Fairies and devils lay at the shoulders of those
Torn between hiding and revealing the truth
Then panic attacks your heart strings
Pounding becomes deafening
You can barely hear your own thoughts

Relax, relate, and breathe
The regimen used to relieve
Anxiety (the attack)

A rush
Questioning your actions
Which are never at the right moment
When fear controls
Every part of your being

Whether or not (If it was meant to be)
Once the words are released
You can no longer snatch them back
Nor hold them captive
Within rib cages
In safe places
Shared between your lungs and your heart

The root of the matter is. . . . . . .

Even trees must have their weak, dead roots removed
Pulled away from its source
In order for its survival

Now breathe. . . . . .

Count with me
Then we start again

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 04:17 PM

guess they can't stand our heat!laugh

somehow HOT HOT HOT without losing your religion?

Religion and hot ???
sorry- don't follow you.

and I was by NO MEANS implying that I thought I was HOT!
(certainly evy and her hot prose!)

Awwww.thank you, I think that is the problem..maybe I am little too hot for my own good or maybe it just the words! LOL

Either way..I'm trying to figure it all out~
Don't want to scare any more potential men away!!!HA! :wink:

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 04:07 PM

IM here just hiding in the corner,:wink:

laugh flowerforyou

wondering what you're doing in that corner

I am loving the responses.....I think I am dying from laughter. . ..

Yeah..Dubz...exactly what are you doing in that corner! Huh....we want to know! LOL

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:59 PM
Ha! Point proven..I rest my case!

rofl rofl rofl

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:55 PM


This is for you: (An erotica piece)

This piece is called:


I have an affliction for my affection for you
Seems you arouse my sexual aura
Causing me to daydream.. ..
of Pelvices connected
and thighs sweating with erectile injections~

See you
Be like Ohhhhhhhh.....weeeeeeeeee
It's got to be crazy
The way you infiltrate my sexual energy

Just the very thoughts of us
Makes my body cross and curve
in feeble positions
Cause we be like Magicians
They way be pull unbelievable tricks outta nowhere

Even got me amazed
As I think of the ways
you love me

You've got me caught up like a contortionist
I loose my breath
from just the thought of it
they way our bodies
turn and twists
Has got my nose......
And my legs.....

WIDE Open!

WOW! I've never met you (obviously embarassed ), but I swear I heard your voice when I was reading that ... oh, you're good, girl! No wonder the boys are skeeered! :wink:

I kind of thought the same thing!laugh

LOL...Thanks ladies......

SEE that's exactly What I mean! Man..... rofl: :wink: smokin

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:45 PM

This is for you: (An erotica piece)

This piece is called:


I have an affliction for my affection for you
Seems you arouse my sexual aura
Causing me to daydream.. ..
of Pelvices connected
and thighs sweating with erectile injections~

See you
Be like Ohhhhhhhh.....weeeeeeeeee
It's got to be crazy
The way you infiltrate my sexual energy

Just the very thoughts of us
Makes my body cross and curve
in feeble positions
Cause we be like Magicians
They way be pull unbelievable tricks outta nowhere

Even got me amazed
As I think of the ways
you love me

You've got me caught up like a contortionist
I loose my breath
from just the thought of it
they way our bodies
turn and twists
Has got my nose......
And my legs.....

WIDE Open!

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:36 PM
See, that's what I mean.. A lot of men say that, but when they actually get it, they are either scared of it or jealous.

I think men are intimidated by a overly sexy woman, especially if all the other guys int he place including his friends are drooling over her.

It's always interesting to see a man tell his woman to cover up her boobs, when another man is watching, especially if that is what attracted him to her in the first place.

Sometimes a woman's confidence is a man's greatest fear. I think true sexiness and confidence go hand in hand.

Seriously sexiness has nothing to do with what a person wears, says or me it's all in the ATTITUDE~

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:27 PM

I agree with you all, but what happens when a man tells you that you are high mainentance and that is intimidating to him?

What if your sexual drive is more intense than your mate?

Men? Have any answers!

Girl you just answered your own question just read between the lines..............

LMAO! I did...didn't I.....Hmmmmmm

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:26 PM

If situation persists for over 36 hours, I'll call a doctor

LOL..if IT were that EASY! ;0)

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:24 PM
I agree with you all, but what happens when a man tells you that you are high mainentance and that is intimidating to him?

What if your sexual drive is more intense than your mate?

Men? Have any answers!

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 03:16 PM
I am a poet and I do spoken word around town in Los Angeles, I am most known for my erotica.

A lot of people, both men and women, have told me that I exude sex and sensuality.

Problem: I think that it intimidates most men, and may possibly scare them away (at least from anything serious).

What are your thoughts....Do you think a woman can be too sexy?

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 02:16 PM
It's sad:

The list for looking for a good man has now gone from: requiring the following characteristics kind, considerate, family oriented to

The list below

1. No Abusers
2. No Alcoholics/Drug addicts
3. No Cheaters
4. No Down-low brothers
5. No child molestors or rapists
6. Must have current STD reports/records

What is the world coming too!

We are in trouble, when the main focus on looking for a good relationship is on the person's sexual orientation, rather their character!

I don't think women are so inclined these days to ask what do you for a living? As they are in asking, Are you HIV negative? Do you like other men? etc. . . . . .

SAD ;0(

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 01:57 PM
It's called down low yall, not low down..LOL

Down Low: a man who enjoys being with other men in secret, but won't admit that he is gay, because he has relationships with women too.

Low Down: A man that cheats, beats, or misuses his woman nor shows any respect.

EvyT's photo
Mon 07/21/08 09:05 AM
Sounds good to me~

EvyT's photo
Sat 07/19/08 10:25 AM
She may be lactose intolerant. Have tried changing her milk. sometimes certain milks can cause gas and constipation.

A good milk to use (at least in my case) was the carnation brand.

EvyT's photo
Sat 07/19/08 10:19 AM
haven't met anyone yet, but I've only been on this site for a couple of weeks.

EvyT's photo
Thu 07/17/08 10:12 AM
Short story:

I remember sitting in court one day (waiting for the judge to sign my paperwork). There was this couple before the judge; Fighting, they were making accusations against each other regarding their child. It was apparent that this fighting had been going on for some time. The judge knew them well.

As a bystander, they both looked really silly, and my heart went out for the child. Their fighting had nothing to do with child, but unfortunately she was used as a scapegoat,for their pain and immaturity.

I remember going back to the clerk crying over what I had witnessed. I told the lady behind the counter, that it hurt to see that two adults could not be responsible enough to think about the child first, who had no power over what was happening in her life.

The issue: The husband left his wife and child for another woman. He even brought his new woman to court.

Problem: The wife was devasted. She didn't have closure and was in pain. The husband, vindictive, was set out to humilate her for whatever reason. The new girlfriend, the token, who sat back in the court with this smirk on her face as if she was better than his wife.

I sat there and wondered how long would it be before the girlfriend would realized that she too was a victim, and could easily have been the wife in court that day.

The lesson: Age does not gaurantee WISDOM nor MATURITY.

It would be nice if we all could be mature enough to understand that closure is for growth. Not ot blame, not beg and plead why, not to try to get their mate back, but to learn, to get an understanding.

Usually if people don't learn the first time around, they are doomed to repeat those same mistakes until the lesson is learned.

EvyT's photo
Thu 07/17/08 10:00 AM
I've never met one person, that feels good about a break up. However I've seen plenty of horrible breakups and been involved in one myself with my ex.

Breaking up with someone you love is never easy. But being mature enough to talk and walk away with open communication is hard.

People say just let it go, well what about those relationships where children are involved? Then the two will HAVE to have some form of communication. How about being mature enough to know that although it didn't work out, we can sit down like to mature adults and find a peaceful resolve. Let's get to the root of the situation and figure out a way we can end this in a healthy way for the sake of the children (and ourselves).

I am amazed at how most people think that when a couple breaks up, it only involves those two people. NO, if the relationship was serious (espcially if the couple were involved long term), then it usually involved a whole group of people: children, family, friends, etc.

It is not my idea of re-hashing all the the things that went wrong in the relationship as far as blame goes. But asking what can I learn from this? How can we do this as amicable as possible? How can we work out a plan that will least affect the child(ren)or all this break up will effect?

EvyT's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:08 PM is not my intention to be judgemental, but I am simply saying, try to figure out what's wrong in your marriage, and what you are missing.

Sex is but a small part of a lifetime commitment. We all get bored, but that is not an excuse to look elsewhere.

It means that you guys have some things you need to work on to bring the spark back.

I hope these replies have helped you in some way.

EvyT's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:00 PM
Why has it taken you 9 years to realize that you are not sexually attracted to your husband.

In my opinion, you had to have had some attraction there at some point to have a 4 year old.

Maybe the thing you should be focusing on is your marriage and how to improve it by talking to your husband (instead of messing around with a mutual friend)

Maybe you should try something new to spark your sex lifein your marriage. Have you guys played dress up. There are a lot of things you can do to spruce up your sex life with your husband.
I would say first off....Try an adult toy store for some games and ideas or search online.

This friend should be the least of your concerns.