Community > Posts By > Billdo81

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 09:42 AM
Crocs = Florida

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 09:39 AM
Skinny dip = alligators

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 09:39 AM
Mornin Poet :D How ya doing today?

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 09:22 AM
Draw = bang bang

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 09:21 AM
Donald Duck

LOL Drinkin already Lion?? I'm still recovering... I think

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 09:09 AM
Polaris = snow

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 09:04 AM
See the only problem with a cheese wheel is I like to eat before I
screw... If I were to eat before I screwed a wheel of cheese I wouldn't
have anything left to screw?

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:52 AM
I collect Toys. I have Transformers and about ever toy Mcfarlane did
honoring the Matrix trilogy. I also play online games like World of
Warcraft and Battlefield 2 and Counter Strike... anyone else out there
enjoy putting virtual bullets in other peoples virtual heads?

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:48 AM
Hmmm That sounds like great advice... I am enjoying being single for the
first time I can remember in my life. Sure I miss the cuddleing and
the... well you know... Your advice Karen falls very close to my
feelings on the subject... She really messed me up when she walked away
and I am in no hurry to set myself up to go through that again. If I
were to take her back I would have to hear some REALLY GOOD arguments as
to why I should do so and how I could be absolutly sure that I wasn't
just playing into me getting hurt again.

P.S. Good morning Karen :D Ello Ello M And Shadowdog

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:29 AM
Oh I have definatly found that some peoples names are enough to get me
going... About the only one I can think of off the top of my head was
Kryn. Just an odd name for a strage little woman... both sexy and
uncommon. Oh yea there was a "Haleigh" I once knew I didn't really
think much of it until I got the spelling. However it dosn't have to be
exotic or rare... I've always been a Sucker for Amandas and Stephanies
always loved the names -shrug-

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:23 AM
hahahaha "Here kitty kitty kitty" That is good Stuff shadow thanks for
the laugh... mornin to Sexy and Truth too By the way.

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:14 AM
Issac Hayes

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:10 AM
Mouse trap = a game I played as a child

hahahahah sooo mean Ice

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:04 AM
Faceless stranger = glory hole

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 08:03 AM
Aye it will and did... The woman is driveing me absolutly bonkers... She
left me... almost 5 months ago now after a wonderful relationship that
lasted almost 3 years... I am all but over it now but it wasn't easy at
all. However now that I am just about over it she wants to start calling
and telling me how much she messed up and that she wants to have what we
had back and blah blah blah.

Billdo81's photo
Sun 11/12/06 07:57 AM
Mornin Fellas yawn I wanna go back to bed... stupid ex calling me.

Billdo81's photo
Sat 11/11/06 11:10 AM
omfg I can't belive I didn't get that one... *cry* All I could think of
was "Anger misery all these things are done to me" Another Metallica
song I kinda figured they had one somewhere good call Animal

Billdo81's photo
Sat 11/11/06 09:53 AM
William Wallace

mmmm reese Witherspoon... now that makes me hungry

Billdo81's photo
Sat 11/11/06 09:52 AM
"King" is a title not a name

Billdo81's photo
Sat 11/11/06 09:39 AM