God does exist
God gives us our heart to love, to see his beauty in creation, to have compassion, kindness in giving from our hearts. Many of us have unique talents that shine upon this earth. We use his wisdom to guide our own lives and to help others. These are just a few of his blessings. The Holy Spirit guides and teaches us. Forgiveness and faith is the key that opens the door to his supernatural power. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, my life certainly changed, the battle was on because we then became the enemy of Satan. I have had many personal supernatural experiences and there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that God does exist. I'm not a church goer, my teacher is the Holy Spiirit and that is the only way I've ever been able to grow in my walk with my Lord. The bible was a book I could hardly understand at one time, bit by bit, my eyes were open to Gods wondrous ways. Building up a relationship with the Father in heaven was amazing because everything I struggled with in learning, God was giving me the confidence that had been crushed in me. Prayer was my way of communicating and I found that God was helping me to forgive all the hurt and suffering that I had been through. I started praying for those people and the peace I felt within started to flow freely. The word of God became alive me, not through mans doing but because I believed and reached out. My life is far from perfect, I've been a rebel and sometimes get very angry at God. Every day is a battle for me, but without the grace and mercy of God, this lady would not be here. People have the right to choose, God gives us this choice, I guess for me, I was blessed because if any of you know the song Amazing Grace, that was me the wretch, I was once lost and now am found, I was once blind but now I see. (Spiritually speaking ) have a very blessed day.