Community > Posts By > maschinka1987

maschinka1987's photo
Fri 03/15/13 03:13 PM

By the way, if a woman says on her profile that she is a blonde, then does she really mean that she has dark hair?

You mean me?? the foto is like a year old now its dark blond if i will put all photos in nobody will know what color i have now to many trys

maschinka1987's photo
Thu 03/14/13 01:56 PM
that guys will understand us better

Yes = No

No = yes

maybe = no

im sorry = it will be sorry for you ...

we need = i want...

you can choose = there is just one choose possibility

we have to talk = i have to complain about something

ofcourse make it if you like = i dont want that you do that

im not angry = ofcourse im angry you (...)

you are so maskulin = you have to shave

today you are really nice to me = is it possible that you think just about sex all the time

the kitchen is to small = i want a new house/ a new flat

i want new rollos = ...and carpets, mobiliar, wallpapers

i heared something = i just recognize that you sleep in

do you love me? = i wanna ask you for something expensive.

how much you love me? = i made something that you wouldnt like

you have to learn communikate reasonably = you just have to be with my opinion

nothing,really... = its just that you are a really big (...) bist!

its like that =shut up just im right

hopefully = if not, then...

maschinka1987's photo
Thu 03/14/13 08:45 AM
1. one man start to work in a desert in a camp where work just guys. on his first day the cheff explain everything. at the end they stays in a stable with camels. the chef says: we are all guys and need from time to time sex and he showed to a step in a corner and a camel. for the worker it was bit strange so he dicside not to use it. after few weeks he dont hold it in tryed it with step. in the moment he starts the chef came in and was shocked.

he mean he should take the camel and ride to the next village where is a brodel!!

2. a bit for girls:

a newspaper made a story about "why a woman marry" cause of money or cause of love!
they go to the street for interviews. the first woman come with two full bags, tiered and so on. they ask why she marry her husband cause of money or cause of love?? she said cause of love ofcourse. the sconde a young beutiful woman answer to the question just for the money. the third woman a powerfull one but behind here is a small ugly guy going. she said look ar my husband how can i marry him cause of love or money. the reporter said true but why you married him? she said: i learned very young are assh... so picked the smallst one.

hope its to understand my english is not the best