Community > Posts By > blue_shepherd
No one can know who is or is not "stable or unstable" or should or should not be "allowed" to have a weapon. If you put that power into the hands of shrinks or counselors, then people who might need counseling will be afraid to even have an appointment for any reason. Forced mental evaluations will become the norm where people are abducted (arrested?) and forced to undergo a mental evaluation. A person's right to bear arms can easily be infringed on the word of some doctor. Also, the true psychopaths can fool any shrink. there is no need for forced mental evaluations, plenty of people have doctors, and those who commit crimes can undergo mandatory evaulation as a condition of bail or probation,,, it wont stop everyone, but it will stop those who are suffering trauma that has caused mental breaks , and are already under counseling along with registering, it will be valuable in revoking permits (like we do licenses with drunk drivers) from those who exhibit illegal and violent behaviors,, etc its not dumb at all, its a precaution,,, its dumb to do nothing except grieve after preventable deaths happen,,, Dictatorship of the Masses anyone? I thought that life was an inalienable right but it seems that is conditional to. So what right is unconditional? |
Can I also add that you must have one hell of a country when you are so scared of the people that you elect (I think that is what you call it) to those very positions.
Your constitution was amendment a second time that is why they called it the second amendment. This means you can actually amend you constitution. However, if you wish to live in a society in which you fear others having guns and therefore need to be armed yourself then go for it. Just don't bleed on about massacres and the death rate (per 100 hundred thousand) that is way and above any other comparable country. PS: I have said nothing about being afraid of guns just the opportunity that unbalanced people have to get them. |
Maybe you should look at rates per one hundred thousand and compare the US with any other country . You do have an extremely high rate of gun deaths through criminal activity, let alone through suicide, accident and lawful deaths. I say again, I am glad I live in a country where we are not so afraid of our government they we need to be armed just in case. PS: I understand it was the second amendment to your constitution, it was changed once and can be again.
All of this discussion seems to be very USA centric. The rest of the world, who have much less rates of deaths by firearms and dare I say other crimes, shake their collective heads. I am glad that I live in a country where the population is not so afraid of the government that they need to be armed or feel that human life is worth so little that you can be shot running away from s crime (not a threat to anyone). I am also grateful that my children do not go to schools where there are armed guards or indeed armed teachers. It seems that the majority of mass killings in the US are not committed by criminals but by ordinary people who have ready access to firearms when the reach a crisis in their lives.