Community > Posts By > ViaMusica

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 09:52 PM
Edited by ViaMusica on Sun 06/30/13 09:54 PM
People don't get to vote on how many kids someone else can have, though. So you do have as much say as anyone else -- which is to say, none.

And plenty of people had their kids when they were doing okay but then they fell on hard times. Well, somebody's got to foot the bill to feed those kids, and since it is to society's benefit NOT to have starving kids on the streets, we all chip in to pay for them. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't resent helping poor families. I'm not exactly wealthy myself and I can completely understand that times are tough. I guess I figure that since I've never had kids of my own, it won't kill me to chip in a bit for someone else's.

But if we as a society truly want to see a reduction in the number of children born into poverty, then we'd damn well better make sure that everyone receives comprehensive sex education, access to birth control, and a proper education in general so they have the tools to do something other than screw around and make babies. Oh, and an improved economy and job market wouldn't hurt. I won't even touch the other issue that goes along with the above, because there are already enough third rails in this thread.

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 09:39 PM
Edited by ViaMusica on Sun 06/30/13 09:41 PM

And you never lived with some of the people I've lived with. My ex-husband is an okay person. My first long-term, live-in boyfriend-then-fiance was a complete ***... a drunk, a liar, a cheater and abusive in both physical and verbal modes. He had more stuff wrong with him than you could shake a stick at, and fortunately we split up rather than actually getting married.

Didn't mean that I went looking for or even found all of his negative qualities in everyone I dated after him.

If you've dated a bunch of women and they've all turned out to be awful, you need to look for the common denominator. There are two: possession of a pair of X chromosomes, and you. Not all women are horrible people, so maybe you're the common denominator? As in, either you subconsciously keep being initially attracted to women like your ex, or else you keep looking for your ex in all other women.

This is something that you must have read into what I said.

Never said I found bad qualities in everyone I dated either. I also said that some just didn't "click".

Possibly I did miss something. You appeared to be saying that you'd found your ex's qualities in every woman you dated, but if that isn't the case and I missed something, please accept my apologies.

Going by your main/first paragraph, You should know exactly what I'm getting at. Just for example, I went out with this lady a few times,If you saw her, You would think she was the sweetest person you ever met. She almost had this "librarian" look about her if you understand my meaning. You would never know by looking at her or just hanging out with her,unless you went with her to a bar,that she was the type that loved to drink and dance on tables while stripping off her clothes. I was so embarrassed. I thought I wasn't going to get her out of there with her clothes intact and without having to fight some of the guys that were around her.

That would be a little disconcerting.

I learned a lesson that day. You can't always go by what a person looks to be. Now, If I come across one that wants to go to a bar,She can go. But,without me.

Not all women who go to bars do stuff like that, though. I enjoy going out to a bar for a drink and some social interaction, but I hate being drunk, so I'm the type to nurse a couple of drinks all night while focusing on other things to do there, like listening to music or something. So that's kind of another example of taking a comparison too far... one woman you dated got crazy-drunk and acted in an embarrassing manner, so do you think that means that ALL women who have a drink in a bar are going to do that?

Anyway, Going by what you first said, He was a drunk and a liar. If you went out with a guy,Lets say,several times. He was always a decent guy. But then one day you found out that while you were not around he was a drunk. He was hiding it from you. And doing a very good job at it. Lets say you finally caught up with him about it and decided to confront him with it. When you did,He tried to lie his way out of it.

No, that isn't how it went at all. He didn't lie about drinking. We went out together and had our drinks. I kept it under control and didn't get drunk, because I actually know how to handle both alcohol and myself. He had no self-control over much of anything, and I got tired of it. But what he lied about was the cheating... he swore he wasn't cheating on me, but then I found out he was. Between that and his temper, I got disgusted.

Do I still date guys who drink? Yes; in fact I'd likely feel out of place with one who was completely teetotal (although my most recent barely drank, but he wasn't judgmental or uncomfortable about drinking -- hard to be, as he was a bartender). But I'm not interested in dating alcoholics, nor cheaters or guys who lie to me... and certainly not guys who can't control their tempers.

Fortunately, I remain convinced there are still plenty of single/divorced/widowed men in my age group who are honest, have self-control, and respect women. I just need to find and meet the right one.

I don't know you. We are just strangers on the net. But, I wouldn't be afraid to bet that because of past experience with someone else, That would be the end of it. You wouldn't want to see him anymore.

What would make me dump a guy would be if he displayed an aggressive or uncontrolled temper, engaged in verbal abuse or physical threats (to anyone), or if he lied to me, cheated on me, or repeatedly got drunk and acted like an arsehole. I'd be completely turned off by those things.

I should probably note that my experience with the guy I'd described was many years ago, and in the intervening time I've had other relationships and even a decade of marriage (which failed for a different set of reasons but did so in a completely amicable fashion).

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:59 PM

Before you criticize a person for the number of kids that the person has, find out from the person the reason for that number of kids.

Good point.

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:52 PM
Jazz festival weekend, all-inclusive

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:47 PM
"Into The Night" - Benny Mardones

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:45 PM

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:44 PM
Hebron, Kentucky

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:42 PM
No Country For Old Men

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:40 PM

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:39 PM
because that was really too

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:38 PM

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:37 PM

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:36 PM

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:34 PM

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:33 PM
No... but I did organize all my earrings, which is almost the same thing. laugh

Have you ever watched a cat chase a housefly?

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 07:29 PM

{{{ Via }}}
All I can say about that is it takes two to make it
& one to break it, if one cant tell the truth then that
Person is untrustworthy, therefore may aswell be
a cheat & a lier as well. I agree, its a mathematical
fact that a large % of the people on the sight
have been at fault for the failure of at least one
Love relationship and if you say yes but I didn't
love them, then double shame.
There my be a high % of people that screwed all
their relationships up here. So if one had an
astronomical amount of relationship & said they
all lied or cheated,then yes! It looks like they're
not been truthful.I think if that person was been
nice enough that I would chose to think it, but
take the higher road & not say it, after all you didn't
caught this person in a lie. Perhaps I would not
corespond in future with that person

Now I'm answering as my quote is above and I
would fall in that category, having said all that,
A handful of love affairs is not nearly enough to
to be suggestive, which your being.
It can be healthy for one to call one on there "chit"
but sugesting they're not telling the truth! among all kinds
of undesired advice for Charles, my be a little out of line.

I didn't say Charles isn't telling the truth about something. I said that his judgment seems to be a bit off, in that he thinks he's over his ex but the story he's telling is reflects that he really doesn't seem to be.

I've been around the block, had good relationships and bad ones, been married and divorced... I know what it's like to have the past continue to carry over into my present, because it happened to me once or twice where for a while it seemed every guy I met was a lot like my ex (that old ex-fiance, not my ex-husband, as he's actually a decent guy and still my friend) and then I finally came to realize it was because I hadn't let go of the negative way that early relationship had made me feel.

Once I realized that, and then was able to let it go, my dating life was a lot healthier.

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 05:10 PM
Very few people have "dozens of kids".

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 04:33 PM
Lottery numbers and job trends. I can deal with most of the other stuff myself.

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 04:27 PM

When you really want to slap the chit out of someone, go ahead and yell 'mosquito!'


ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/30/13 04:21 PM

You really don't sound like you're "done" with her, if you're still carrying so much of her around that it makes you see all other women as being just like her.

You might just be better off not dating.

and several paragraphs of her! lol

I sometimes see qualities in others that I don;t care for but seldom (if ever) associate those with an "ex." my exes weren't THAT bad lol

my exes weren't THAT bad lol

Well, You never lived with mine.

And you never lived with some of the people I've lived with. My ex-husband is an okay person. My first long-term, live-in boyfriend-then-fiance was a complete ***... a drunk, a liar, a cheater and abusive in both physical and verbal modes. He had more stuff wrong with him than you could shake a stick at, and fortunately we split up rather than actually getting married.

Didn't mean that I went looking for or even found all of his negative qualities in everyone I dated after him.

I understood your message loud and clear the first time
Charles, very clear!
your were obviously talking about unacceptable character
traits that the females analyzing your comments would
Surly dismiss a male for these same faults.
You are right, if something isn't right then it must be
wrong! But you know this inside & out.
One thing I'd say, next time dont use the comparison
reference with the Xlaugh maybee a dear uncle, so you
points not completely missed lost in estergin! Loud & Clear
Once again.wink

Furthermore, I also feel the hopelessness of finding
a life time partner in todays society, as I'm not going
too be looking in North American & most of my birth
Continent is out as well.
if never had a girlfriend in NA that could tell the truth
nor could they have an accurate recollection of past
history, they all told a way different story.
enough bla bla bla ect, wasted here on a society
where its acceptable to have three divorces.
My parents have been married 50years and my
aunt n uncle that moved to Canada shortly after
have been married 55 years, out of their 5 children
combined, just my sister is married still & has been
since 92.
Not saying there isn't good woman, because I know
there is, & I'm sure there experiencing the same
when I was in grade three a good friends parents
got divorced & that was unheard of, only move stars
got divorced. .so a guess we can blame the Liz tailors
of old Hollywood for society's changegrumble

Sounds to me like this is one of those things that it takes another man to understand. When I read the two ladies comments the first thing that I thought, "These two must not learn from there mistakes" They would prob' jump right back in the fire with someone else that is either as bad or worse than their Xes.
And you're extremely wrong. Learning from one's mistakes doesn't mean looking to find fault in everyone you meet.

Me, I learn from my mistakes. I don't do it again. If you go into a relationship with anyone,and that person drives you nuts,When you finally decide to get away from them,If you have any common sense at all, you're going to remember what you went through.(Just because you remember what you went through,doesn't mean you are still stuck on your X) If anything, It means you are now smarter than you once were.

If you've dated a bunch of women and they've all turned out to be awful, you need to look for the common denominator. There are two: possession of a pair of X chromosomes, and you. Not all women are horrible people, so maybe you're the common denominator? As in, either you subconsciously keep being initially attracted to women like your ex, or else you keep looking for your ex in all other women.

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