If you really think that they did done Islamic terrorists-your brains are washed very well-I, as a Christian Orthodox faith,I never believed in it.
Notions of culture and human rights have a totally different dimension when we talk about an Islamic state,especially when we discussing about religion.We are each other quickly finde *your religion are full of violence*etc.Everthing couse most people have prejudice,and the majority of comments I can say,that many wrongly perceive their faith and then what to say to the other..Many confuse the faith with the traditions of culture they come from it is not same-custom and religion,but they are associated.I see by the comments that many political events mention-it is wrong..Now you reminds me-like-of U.S. government, which wants at all costs to impose "democracy" and that by those standards that they believe that others will respond.,forgetting that the message of God-love, forgiveness,respect for others.fanatics in any religion they must not have places and voice
Do age does matters?
Age is very important(the exception is a small difference in age),girl with 27 years and men over 40,have nothing in common-intellectually are different,It is more lenient form of pedophilia.Of course our ego will not accept that fact.the same goes for women and young man-in first case,he want her youth -and women wnat his youth.I think that these are problems psychological nature in both case.