Community > Posts By > CompanyRus

CompanyRus's photo
Tue 07/09/13 09:18 PM
You are way to kind thankyou, those days lived were so beautiful

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 06:02 PM
Thanks. Love that soul of yours

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 05:45 PM
I enjoy your tastes

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:59 PM
When I was younger I hung around others that were older. Now that I'm getting up there in my years I still see others much older than myself. I say to myself why?
And what comes to my mind always is peace.....

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:52 PM
Why do squirrels like to swim on there back?

Because they like to protect there nuts..... : )

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:44 PM
How selfish are we , and we don't even think of the victims rights. I agree with your writing, the victim should have a say if only they could come back from being killed.
Isn't it sad that what if that person was against to bare arms, and lost his or hers life to a gun. We must fight this law or else we who are against it will fall victim as well

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:23 PM
Sleepless nights 

We all had them , sometimes more often than not., What triggers them is known and unknown, but needless to say it's a feeling that leaves us insecure, fearful, and uneasiness . 
We are rudely awakened with the morning light , unwelcomed and is no delight. 
We fight our own concience to continue to get some sleep or to face the day that's ahead if us. If you chose to try and sleep it was nice and well needed ,yet at a  sacrifice of given in to weakness and the days doings. If you chose instead to just face the day without any prior sleep you are faced with pure adrenaline with last bits of inner strength. You got through the day but also with a sacrifice. 
So what is it's purpose we say to ourselves no matter what choice we make .
I guess we just live with those choices don't you think? And we hope for a better nights sleep. 

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:17 PM
I wrote this! 
During a coffee break
Hope you like it 

My four seasons

I once was a little boy that was born in buffalo. My dad joined me up for cub scouts because it was in the family. I learned about appreciating the four seasons from the ground up, and year round nature trails, trials, and tribulations. We shared testimonies and experiences and learned from one another. And even played taps on my bugle at sundown, and reveally  at sunrise. I know I sound like something out of the civil war, but honestly I was a down to earth kid and actually I'm just the same kid , but much older ....
Spring was beautiful in the country. It was nice to hear the frozen water once again flowing down that creek. Or our well water cold and crisp refreshing our cabin fever throats . And seeing the trees blossom before our eyes, was gods work in progress.
When summer came all the trees were filled with fruit, birds were singing in harmony. My mother would have breakfast / lunch / dinner on the weekends outside on my dads home made family table. My dad would point to the vegetable garden near by and send one of us to pick fresh veggies , quickly washed soon after to bring back to the table for us all to eat. And when the nite fell the crickets would not let us sleep as if to say try to find us if you can.
The fall season was wonderful, and mysterious. The un-picked fruit fell to the ground and fertilized the soil. The green leaves turned into beautiful shades of colors , they too fell and trees became bare. The birds that once song lovely songs, together had left behind a trail , soon followed were the winter birds that did not sing but pirched themselves on bare branches as seemingly being lookouts. The air was starting to chill and my dad was preparing for winter. He installed storm windows and made sure no rain or snow would enter our home. 
When winter came it was cold but beautiful at the same time. The snow flakes falling brought tough times ahead, yet layed helplessly on the ground , trees, homes, and cars. Looking through the snow flakes was such a lovely view . Almost like a pillow fight with feathers everywhere but only colder and frozen . When Christmas came we roughed long hikes to find our tree and cut it down , bring it home , and light it up . What a thing of beauty. It warmed our hearts and souls and we forgot the cold winter all around us. Just as Christmas came , it soon was over , and this we new was the new beginning of the four seasons starting over. 
My life growing up in the country was one I will never forget. Yet was born in the city. But honestly I'm blessed I had both. 
My parents and family were wonderful, and my friends made it an exciting childhood. 
I may be in California now but my heart is with the four seasons , it's just not as dramatic , but still I see the same. 

Thanks Ron

CompanyRus's photo
Sun 07/07/13 04:12 PM
I wrote this hoping you enjoy

Butterfly Angels

 Did you know butterflies live only a few weeks , and we take them for granted as if they live longer?
So when you see a butterfly in your future always remember in just its two week life span , that you were the lucky one  to view it's colors of beauty and innocence.
 Don't  you find it interesting how a butterfly gracefully explores and brings such peace and tranquility to our surroundings. And yet before you know it it's gone. I guess we could compare it to an angel that may or may not have been seen, but just brought some comfort in our lives.


CompanyRus's photo
Thu 07/04/13 08:27 PM
Yes we imagine life as a whole yet the unknown we should accept as a challenge . We may think alike but we have the right to choose what is acceptable or not.
I love this writing of yours.....