Community > Posts By > magicdave

magicdave's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:26 AM
CAN MUSLIMS BE GOOD AMERICANS? This is very interesting and we all needto read it from start to finish and sendit on to anyone who will read it. Maybe this is why our American Muslimsare so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities. Can a good Muslim be a good American?This question was forwarded to a friendwho worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.The following is his reply: Theologically - no. . . . Because hisallegiance is to Allah, The moon Godof Arabia. Religiously - no. . Because no otherreligion is accepted by His Allahexcept Islam (Quran,2:256) (Koran) Scripturally - no. . Because hisallegiance is to the five Pillarsof Islam and the Quran. Geographically - no ...Becausehis allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer fivetimes a day. Socially - no. . . Because hisallegiance to Islam forbids himto make friends with Christiansor Jews. Politically - no. . . Because hemust submit to the mullahs(spiritual leaders), who teachannihilation of Israel and de-struction of America , the greatSatan. Domestically - no. . . Becausehe is instructed to marry fourwomen and beat and scourgehis wife when she disobeys him.(Quran 4:34) Intellectually - no. .Becausehe cannot accept the AmericanConstitution since it is basedon Biblical principles and hebelieves the Bible to be corrupt. Philosophically - no. . . . BecauseIslam, Muhammad, and the Qurandoes not allow freedom of religionand expression. Democracy andIslam cannot co-exist. Every Mus-lim government is either dictatorialor autocratic. Spiritually - no. . . Becausewhen we declare 'one nationunder God,' the Christian's Godis loving and kind, while Allahis NEVER referred to as Heavenlyfather, nor is he ever called lovein The Quran's 99 excellent names. Therefore, after much study anddeliberation....Perhaps we shouldbe very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMSin this country. - - - They obviouslycannot be both 'good' Muslims andgood Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth.You had better believe it. The morewho understand this, the better itwill be for our country and our future. The religious war is bigger thanwe know or understand. . ... And Barack Hussein Obama, aMuslim, wants to be our President?You have GOT to be kidding! Wake up America ! Obama even says if he winsthe election, he will be swornin on the Quran---not a Bible! Footnote: He was sworn in onthe Quran for his current officeand he refuses to pledge allegianceto the United States or put his handover his heart when the NationalAnthem is played! The Muslims have said they willdestroy us from within. Hello! Having a Muslim president wouldseem to fit the bill! Will you trust this man with our national secrets? SO, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! THE MARINES WANT THIS TOROLL ALL OVER THE U. S. Please don't delete this until yousend it on. Let's send it around the world. Have a Great day!

magicdave's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:39 AM
Now that was horrible....someones parents just didnt teach someone very well...

magicdave's photo
Fri 09/12/08 07:08 AM
drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl rofl rofl :banana: :banana:

magicdave's photo
Mon 08/18/08 10:04 AM
noway noway noway :banana: frustrated

magicdave's photo
Mon 08/18/08 10:03 AM
noway noway grumble rofl

magicdave's photo
Mon 07/21/08 12:32 PM

I liked OPERATION...I Loved to RIP the poor fat guys GUTS out! bigsmile

YES! I loved to play doctor tooo....lolbigsmile pitchfork

magicdave's photo
Mon 06/30/08 04:15 PM
now thats a keeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!