I hope your son is better now. An ear infection in an infant is one of the most painful things imaginable- and remember he cannot explain his pain!
Parenting - no-one can write a book that will answer all our questions, so sometimes sharing experiences is good. You described his tantrums. He may not be able to speak but he is actually learning to control your reactions using his non-verbal skills. If you let him, he will conrol your every moment and reaction. You must be THE one in charge - and although it breaks your heart you need to let him know that crying isn't going to get him everything. Let him scream - if he wants - he'll get tired after a while and fall asleep. I used to allow my youngest to do just that - and when he calmed down I would pick him up and soothe him, give him a little water to drink and gently talk to him. But he didn't always get his way (sometimes I let him win!) smile. Good Luck. |