Community > Posts By > Guinea

Guinea's photo
Mon 06/09/08 03:11 PM
Don't think of sex as stereotypically a "dirty" thing or something only guys are interested in. Sex goes hand in hand with love. Basically the way I look at it....

You have to be friends before any relationship or "love" can form. You can love someone all day long, but unless a physical attraction and some sort of sexual desire exists, the relationship will never work.

The key to a relationship working is balance. In a partnership, one of the partners will fall out of love at one point or another. The key is, the other partner needs to step up during those moments and be the strength in the relationship. That is how you make it work.

So with that in is very important and is the foundation for any relationship...but if you are not physically attracted or sexually desire that person, it will not work in the long run... However, no one part is more important than the is all about balance.