Hahaha. I read your post title with Cobain's voice in my head. :D
nobody likes me...
Hey man. Adding to what teebee said, here is one odd tip that often works for me: Add pictures of yourself engaged in several activities. Like probably walking, out with friends etc. Topical pictures of yourself give life to your profile and make the viewer know that you're more than just a person looking to date but someone who lives an interesting life otherwise even. Cheers!
I'd like to be Rated too! :)
Hello fellow minglers. This must be the most awkward thing I must've done but would really like it if you guys could tell me what's working on my profile and what's not.
Kudos to you all. :D |
Just bought the whole series of A Song of Fire and Ice. Finished the Game of Thrones now on the second book. I took it up reluctantly thinking it to be too similar to LOTR. But then realised that Tolkein is so classical and iconic that works that sound like a part of his fantasy world are actually a tribute to him and not just imitation. However, Martin's character run narration and plot is sharp and thrilling. :D
I remember reading that so long ago. Till then I had never known Dickens to do humour even. :D