I honestly think the only reason I'm single is because I'm not in South Dakota...yet.
How long
I DO believe in love and don't think I have ever been in love til 5 months ago. I have been in "looks a lot like love" 3 times, but knew in each of those relationships that there was something missing...now I know exactly what it was.
How far would you go?
How far out of your element are you willing to go to be with someone you love? Would you go to the country, city, Madagascar? Would you live in an igloo, an Amish community, a communal compound? Personally, I'm willing to give Ava Gabor a run for her money, cause... Green Acres is the place to be. Farm living is the life for me. I've gone " out of my element " a couple of times. Not looking to do it again, but you never know. As far as " Green Acres "....you'll be pleasantly surprised at how peaceful life can be out in the country. |
How far would you go?
How far out of your element are you willing to go to be with someone you love? Would you go to the country, city, Madagascar? Would you live in an igloo, an Amish community, a communal compound? Personally, I'm willing to give Ava Gabor a run for her money, cause... Green Acres is the place to be. Farm living is the life for me. |
How far would you go?
How far out of your element are you willing to go to be with someone you love? Would you go to the country, city, Madagascar? Would you live in an igloo, an Amish community, a communal compound? Personally, I'm willing to give Ava Gabor a run for her money, cause... Green Acres is the place to be. Farm living is the life for me. I've gone " out of my element " a couple of times. Not looking to do it again, but you never know. As far as " Green Acres "....you'll be pleasantly surprised at how peaceful life can be out in the country. |
How far would you go?
How far out of your element are you willing to go to be with someone you love?
Would you go to the country, city, Madagascar? Would you live in an igloo, an Amish community, a communal compound? Personally, I'm willing to give Ava Gabor a run for her money, cause... Green Acres is the place to be. Farm living is the life for me. |
Are you an azz
Where you are in your life right now...do you consider yourself an Asset or Liability to a new relationship? I do have the ability to lie, does that make me a liability? I also sit on my a$$, so I guess I asset also. |
Some people are faster learners than others...it's nothing to be ashamed of. So...have you learned yet?
Are you an azz
Where you are in your life right now...do you consider yourself an Asset or Liability to a new relationship?
where does life start?
I believe life starts when two people pray together really loud...OH GOD...OH GOD...OH GOD!
Sorry! The Mary Poppins version is...life starts with the twinkle of an eye. |
In the Bible it says that if you repent/get saved/ accept jesus as your saviour (however you want to put it) you will be allowed into heaven and say Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gayce on his death bed was saved/repented/ accepted Jesus as his saviour is he in heaven? and on the flip side would his victims if not given the chance to be saved/repent/accepted jesus as their saviour are they in hell? Yes, the only "requirement" for entering heaven is to accept Jesus as your Savior. And as long as there is true repentance on the person's part, it does not matter who they are or what they did previously. I take issue with the "would his victims if not given the chance..." because everyone is given the chance. But if you do not accept Jesus, you do go to hell. And while I sometimes enjoy all of the back and forth that I read in this forum, the above is all that matters, truly. Not trying to offend anyone that does not believe, please. Just that all the other falls away. It boils down to this...Either you accept Jesus as your Savior and go to heaven or you refuse Him and go to hell. so if the victim was say Jewish and was raised Jewish and did not know about Christianity and was say 16 and still under the guidance of their parents and not exposed to any other religious beliefs that victim would go to hell and the serial killer would go to heaven? |
Easy...Awolf is the most beautiful person I know.
UP2...NO, it just shows me how easily forgotten I am.
Tell me something
I HAVE secretly been swept off my feet.
Oh, wait...guess it's no secret, huh? |
22 year old female virgin
pay no attention to my kids........ I'm gonna sell mine too!!!! let the bidding begin!!! OH...hell, what am I saying? I'm ALL IN! |
Debbie is back after and accident but is ok. no1 is here in Georgia somewhere...but too far to meet up with me. Missing Hiker very much! Hoping Debbie is getting the help she needs and is on her way to recovery! Still not sure who Maurice or Maurine is. Not trying to exclude you...just don't know ya hon. |
I already have the first, and am eagerly anticipating the later.
tgif everyone
I DID include you in my Friday plans, as a matter of fact...but you didn't show up for work anyway, so what gives? |
tgif everyone
I DID include you in my Friday plans, as a matter of fact...but you didn't show up for work anyway, so what gives?
New Thread.... - part 5
Hi everyone!!! Oh! You didn't even know I was gone? |