Dating Advice, please
Kk...hello is my dilemma...I have just recently started dating my ex, and I have a few problems with the advice given by counsel...We are not in a typical relationship as we have a kid together, but have been separated for 5 yrs...
the rundown: he has already been to my house, slept overnight, due to traveling to see the kid, knows my parents, friends, family...I know this guy very well, and he will not attempt to manipulate me emotionally or in a sexual manner...My questions are, do we really need to involve ourselves in group dates...quite honestly, our church doesn't even have singles events for those over 30, and we are no rookies and don't need the my opinion. other factors are that he is native Guatemalan and therefore Spanish is his primary language...he doesn't mind going places or hanging out with my friends; he does speak English, probably not as much Spanish as I speak, but still...I am more comfortable going with his friends, church etc, just because I understand more than he does at my church etc...I know his intentions are to be married, but we both know we need to guard our hearts... so I guess my question a situation as such, how many of these godly dating guidelines should one really follow. |