Community > Posts By > Milesoftheusa

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 09:37 PM

Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?

"Miracle" can be defined different ways (Merriam Webster Dictionary):

1) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

2) an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

I accept number two but prefer to use the term "unusual" rather than "miracle" to avoid implying that supernatural spirits or gods were involved.

When something unusual happens in apparent conflict with nature and its cause cannot be determined, I do not hesitate to say "I don't know" rather than make up or accept a supernatural "explanation" that cannot be shown to be truthful and accurate.

Many people use the term "miracle" to mean "anything I do not understand" -- such as when a person recovers from a terrible injury or illness (or when they pass a college course they were thought to be failing).

I have not encountered evidence of "divine intervention" -- only numerous unverifiable tales and testimonials claiming to KNOW that "gods" were involved.

seeing u will disagree with any possibility that the scriptures could be true.

What is your purpose on a religion forumn when u do not believe at all? Trying to convert us?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 09:33 PM

it is for sure u do not understand what was happening why he said to kill all of them.

Is me who does not understand about the homicidal / genocidal "god" in bible stories?

Isn't there a tale about "him" killing every person and every living thing on Earth (save some on a cruise) because the people were "wicked" (didn't worship him and follow his orders)?

In fact, there are a lot of tales about a bloodthirsty "god" in the bible. Apologists attempt to explain or excuse genocide (and have often followed the example themselves).

Do you consider abortions Murder?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 06:15 PM

so you think god is a thief?

A god is depicted in the bible as homicidal and genocidal -- far worse than a thief -- kills entire populations because they don't worship him.

it is for sure u do not understand what was happening why he said to kill all of them. these were people ( the Amorites ) who would sneak up at night into their camps and capture the women and children Rape them then kill them.. this was a whole people. tell me if this happened to your family what would u do to protect them from these people doing this whenever possible?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 06:11 PM

the end times is near

Religionists have been chanting that for at least 2000 years, since a preacher is claimed to have said, "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place."

He was wrong then and the promoters have been wrong ever since.

I have had what u would maybe call remote viewing into the future. some still on here saw my posts of what I saw before it happened the next day.. explain that?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 06:10 PM

He will come like a thief in the night

I would think if it was god, he wouldn't have to sneak around.

That is a phrase that was well known then but most like u reject what it says.

He is saying to those who do not study to try and understand to them it will be as a thief in the night. it will come so fast u will not know whats happening.. But to those who try to understand he will give u signs as they are all around us now but rebellion is upon us.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 06:03 PM

those who refuse to see never will..

Yes, those who refuse to see (learn about) the real world around them will continue to "explain" events as the product of "miracles" or interference by unseen, undetectable "spirits" or "gods."

According to many religionists diseases, droughts, storms, etc are caused by "sins" or "curses" or "displeasing gods" -- and recovery is a "blessing" or an "answer to prayer" -- but most seek medical attention when ill or injured (perhaps consciously or subconsciously recognizing that science / medical knowledge is far more likely to help them than "prayer."

Do u believe their has never been a miracle ever?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/31/14 10:05 AM

It's your loss.

What, exactly, do you propose that I "lose" by not idolizing or worshiping one of the "gods"?

You lose the knowledge. your heart I will not judge

I gladly forgo "knowledge" that cannot be shown to be anything more than imagination, fantasy or fiction

those who refuse to see never will.. They have hardened their hearts. Knowledge is so deep science still has not caught up with it. and they never will. Isaac Newton without his knowledge of the scripture science would not of grown and start to understand it. Nostradamus using the health laws who apparently the scientific community did not understand basically stopped the plague. Knowledge from the Bible. it is true today as it was then the answers were their but like u they did not believe neither did they want to try and believe. u like to put down the bible and u r fulfilling prophesy

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 01/30/14 08:42 PM

I lost 45% of my blood easter morning.

Sure enough, people recover from injuries, accidents, diseases -- often with medical assistance.

It's your loss.

What, exactly, do you propose that I "lose" by not idolizing or worshiping one of the "gods"?

You lose the knowledge. your heart I will not judge

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 01/30/14 11:34 AM

I know Yahweh healed her for our obedience to his word the best we can.

Thank you for illustrating the thinking behind a religious viewpoint.

Miracles happen all the time . . .

It is not surprising that those who want to see "miracles" -- see "miracles" even when rational alternatives are apparent to others -- then credit their prayers to a favorite supernatural entity when desirable outcomes occur (but remain silent about the "power of prayer" when results are undesirable).

If good things happen "goddidit", if not, blame the devil, or "sins", or homosexuality, or something.

You have your opinion and I have mine. I lost 45% of my blood easter morning. I could here them say I was in critical condition and the hosp said they were ready with a team at Mercy Hosp in Roseburg Oregon and they lost my Heart beat no blood pressure yet I was still awake. I said Yahshua help me ( which if u read what happens when u lose this much blood I should of had a heart attach) as soon as I said those words everything started working and I did not need to go into surgery. when they opened the Ambulance doors their was a team of 7 to 10 people waiting outside for me. people were coming into look at me all the time from cna's to nurses to other Drs. . I asked the nurse in icu as they were giving me blood why are so many people coming to look at me.. she said they never seen anyone look like I did ( she said I was fading into the sheets and they had never seen anyone look like that who was alive) ye Yahweh is a healer and just because you do not understand does not bother me. It's your loss.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/29/14 09:28 PM

Yahweh is REAL he listens this is the small prayer I sent to her. believe it or not.

Your fiance's recovery from a back problem MUST be due to intervention by a supernatural entity answering your prayer?

There can be no other explanation -- including the human body's ability to heal?

Perhaps, "When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail" (i.e., when one only knows or accepts one explanation they tend to overlook or dismiss alternatives).

that's fine. I could care less. She is fine we are both happy and Yahweh is Wonderful. Say its in my head I just do not care, people think they know everything when actually we know nothing.

If we know nothing whats the chances of what we see?

Chaos? becomes Beauty. Yea mars is really nice this time of year. Yea Yahweh says the stars are as the sands of the sea. pretty big expression for cave like men who lived during a time when still now, we still can not explain when 20 ton stones were put in place.. we have come along way in this human leap of quantum theory that backwards is not forwards. were smart.

which did happen 1st? The chicken or the egg?

so my faith along with hers as she was still so excited just a few minutes ago. It makes me happy to have faith. It builds my courage to have Faith.

It shows me the unimaginable all through faith. Is this science?

Of course not . someone said it wasn't. we just need to apply to science the same scrutiny you do the scriptures who the Geneva Bible , I believe they have pretty much agrees with todays a 1000 years later.

its crazy it has a message for all ages. take in Yahshua's day the law the word is the law. they went on their rooftops in the evening like our deck relaxing in the evening.

The word says you are to protect anyone who is on your land. same with a ditch left open. now this is 3500 years old how u r to treat anyone on your property.. Basically use your head. Like today city's have rules about open pools, decks ect.

No not science. what is it? Newton did great work and was a profound believer in a creator.

Prophecy's he loves as did Nostradomus. using the description that the health laws from the bible what to do in a plague.. all spelled out. It's sad as physicians were a lot of the scientists at that period of time. all beginning split and multiply. See I believe when we were created (The Creators creation. yes..) I am so Blessed I do not believe I came from some ape.

that's ok though u have to find and Desire the knowledge before you can ever use it.. Surely we can agree on that. I feel sad because you will never know the shalom of a creator. I am His SON!!!

It's alright u can laugh. Because I just don't care. I know Yahweh healed her for our obedience to his word the best we can.

The scriptures are nothing as u have ever heard or seen. they are a pearl and seeking pearls takes a trained eye of faith.

The scriptures are alive. They have knowledge, they have justice. no partiality on who can afford the best lawyer. His judgement is fair.

Science influences our govt; greatly and at the same time believer are said to be looking down on others. these are changing times like no other. we all should look around, think and then wonder how did we get here?

Science says one thing and then later says another. If a lot of money is involved then science will be over run by the elite. they have always wanted their way.

Reasoning that their is no creator or that the scriptures are so Yahweh inspired that it would be impossible for any man to make things tell a story that continues to reinforce Faith as the Spirit guides you what the scriptures history is for.

For our own good if we will desire to learn them and few will have it. Miracles happen all the time. many days we just never notice.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 01/28/14 10:02 PM

Santa, satan same thing. Both Liars

Santa, Satan, Gods (thousands of them) -- same thing -- can't be shown to be anything more than human imagination, fantasy, wishful thinking.

"Liars" might apply to those who claim to be "priests" or "prophets" or to have special knowledge of invisible, undetectable supernatural entities.

say hat u want. My fianc� I have been teaching her about Yahweh and she was in great pain from her back but needed to work so I sent her a prayer and she just called me and told me the people she worked with when she dropped something and she bent down to get it noticed she had no pain. they thought she was going to hurt herself. she was so excited she said she started moving around and then a small jump no pain and started running around in circles and jumping up and down and the people she worked with could not believe it. Yahweh is REAL he listens this is the small prayer I sent to her. believe it or not.. it will not change my faith because it is real. People refuse to use the true Holy names satan took out of the bible Yahweh the Father and Yahshua his son. Miracles do happen. HalleluYah.

Yahweh Rapha we Love you and Worship your Great Name and Our Saviors name Yahshua's . You are the Great Healer to whom nothing is impossible you are our Life Our Master and Healer. We ask Father that you send your Healing Angel Rafael to heal Ailaine who so Graciously you brought us together and we are Eternally Grateful. If Possible and in your will we ask you Heal Ailaines back with just one thought and we know it will be done. We love you Yahweh and Thank you for your Blessings. we love you Yahweh.. HalleluYah

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 01/28/14 10:30 AM

Santa's name is not on the dollar bill. Does this mean we can really trust if Santa knows if we have been good or bad?

Could it be that "Santa Knows" that most have just avoided getting caught in minor (or major) transgressions?

As the dollar becomes worth less and less as years go by is "In god we trust" decreased proportionately?

Santa, satan same thing. Both Liars

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 01/26/14 10:23 AM

It is a common tactic in parlor (uninformed) "debate" to take the position, "If you don't accept my position you must then provide an alternative explanation." There is no such requirement in reasoned discussion or debate.

What is so difficult about simply and honestly admitting "I don't know how the universe originated or how life began"?
[/quote Maybe we should use "Robert's Rules of Order"

Robert's Rules of Order

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 01/26/14 10:21 AM

It is a common tactic in parlor (uninformed) "debate" to take the position, "If you don't accept my position you must then provide an alternative explanation." There is no such requirement in reasoned discussion or debate.

What is so difficult about simply and honestly admitting "I don't know how the universe originated or how life began"?
[/quote Maybe we should use "Robert's Rules of Order"

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 01/25/14 09:33 PM

A Lilly tell me how It Began? Simple scientific experiment.

NO ONE KNOWS "how it began." There are many theories, some religious, some scientific, some totally fanciful (or a combination of these).

Those who read the opinions of others (who do not know either) and conclude that NOW I KNOW are gullible (in my opinion).

Demanding or requesting that someone tell "how it began" (if they do not accept your opinion) assumes that the information is available. It is not -- nothing more than theories, opinions, hearsay, conjecture and/or fanciful and wishful thinking.

Life in the real world we inhabit does NOT require that we know "how it began." We can live happily, peacefully, productively and satisfyingly without demanding that information.

Some propose that one must believe that a favored "god" was responsible and that they must worship the "god" to find favor in an "afterlife." However, that is all conjecture that cannot be shown to be anything more than human imagination.

Exactly my point. a simple thing as a lily we can not make from scratch. we can not make Honey Bees to polunate our crops or we would be in a food shortage. the moon has to be in a perfect orbit the moondoes so many good things for the earth. Yet we say because a book that says we have a creator and this is how to live and says he made all things to be perfect together in our world. well is just a silly wives tale to believe the chances of this world and universe to happen by chance is crazy

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 01/25/14 01:38 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sat 01/25/14 01:39 PM

Well said JohnDavidDavid:

"There is also NO DOCUMENTED evidence of any of the proposed "gods" (from any century) rising from the dead or performing any of the supernatural feats in tales. There are TALES and testimonials about such things happening, but nothing that can be verified as truthful and accurate. That some of the tales were written about decades, generations or centuries after they supposedly occurred is NOT documentation that they are anything more than folk tales, legends, fables, fiction or other forms of human imagination."

The only "Proof" of Jesus divinity is ... is Christian writings... the bible, etc. Written years after his death, if he even lived at all ???

A Lilly tell me how It Began? Simple scientific experiment.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/24/14 05:52 PM

also, Easter bunny and Santa are what adults tell to kids, who grow up to be adults telling it to kids, and so on

That is similar to religion that adults (and "priests", "prophets" and "authorities") tell kids (and adults) who sometimes grow up to repeat the tales ad infinitum.

amongst the KIDS who believe it ,, there is indeed similar condescention between believers and non believers


,,tell each other they wont get gifts if they don't believe
...get angry and refuse to play with others who try to say santa doesnt exist
...cant start wars or build palaces but many have shrines to santa in their room via posters, figurines,,etc,,,

Well, at least the kids can't build palaces (only posters and figurines, etc) and can't start wars. Bravo.

also, the original St Nick lived in the fourth century with no documented account of having risen from the dead or actually lived in the north pole or having elves or traveling down chimneys after his death,,,,

There is also NO DOCUMENTED evidence of any of the proposed "gods" (from any century) rising from the dead or performing any of the supernatural feats in tales. There are TALES and testimonials about such things happening, but nothing that can be verified as truthful and accurate. That some of the tales were written about decades, generations or centuries after they supposedly occurred is NOT documentation that they are anything more than folk tales, legends, fables, fiction or other forms of human imagination.

I would have to search again but I posted a link and the article about a Roman Historian who spoke of Yahshua. He was taken by him. Believe or not he claimed he had blond hair.. (weird for a Jew) He said he shown stood out from everyone when he preached and although he did not see him rise he wrote about all the talk about him rising
Josephus wrote about him but he did not believe in him so his account is believed to be slanted. Many things you probally do not know about that was written back then. I am sure its hidden in Rome.

1 thing we see the Persian Magi going to him. Cyrus and the Persians had great respect for the Jews.

2 . The fall of the Temple in 70 ad. where did all the believers go.. The Jews did mass suicide but the believers are known to have left but where.

Peter speaks of an Assembly in the Persian Empire. The Persia Empire had a border that neither could cross. I believe it was the Euphrates or maybe the Tigris which ever one is to the east of Babylon. so if believers made it into that river the Persians would protect them and Rome did not want a fight with the Persians.

Here Peter talks about his son possibly. or greetings were from his son also to the assembly in Babylon.

1 Peter 5:12 - 2 Peter 1:1

By Silvanus, our faithful brother as I consider him, I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God in which you stand.

13 She who is in Babylon , elect together with you, greets you; and so does Mark my son. 14 Greet one another with a kiss of love.

Peace to you all who are in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Even in the scriptures if u study during the slaughter and destruction of the temple where do you think u would flee to?

Thiers a lot out their the ones in the know do not want it told because it would turn Christianity on its head. u would not believe 1 on 1 every preacher I have ever talked to has admitted what they are teaching is false. Reasoning for not telling the truth? Money.. afraid of their jobs because they have contracts with churches and they have to keep the board happy. That's why I keep saying tell your church to get rid of their tax status and boards and tell your preacher u will support him all u want is the truth. they are afraid they will be fired they have taught so many lies. remember Math 5 says they will be BEATEN with Many STRIPES for this

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/24/14 02:20 PM

a parable could be called a 'lie' depending upon whether people believe it to be a true story

I understand there are many parables in our bible,,,,

its all in context ,

I dont think children should be made to have santa as an 'idol' or to worship him as some do

but I dont believe the story of santa as a parable of giving and a sweet fairytale of choosing good over naughty, is the same as the dangerous idolatry referred to in the bible,,,

I would guess what it says we will be doing in the 1000 years that Yahshua rules the earth.

He comes back as a Righteous King just like the Jews are looking for also.

The Prophets tell us over and over ( Zech read) that the Law will be Enforced just like it was in the OT. Those who do not try to be perfect will if alive will be punished with no rain if they do not keep the feast of Lev. 23. This is future Prophecy.

Through doing Christmas time your children know all about it. Tell me how much they know about what they will be doing in the Kingdom?

Going to Jerusalem to worship something they never heard of let alone practice. Tradition is very hard to break

they know what they are taught in the bible, they go to church and sunday school, they were told about Santa and simultaneously taught about their bible too

That's good

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/24/14 02:06 PM

a parable could be called a 'lie' depending upon whether people believe it to be a true story

I understand there are many parables in our bible,,,,

its all in context ,

I dont think children should be made to have santa as an 'idol' or to worship him as some do

but I dont believe the story of santa as a parable of giving and a sweet fairytale of choosing good over naughty, is the same as the dangerous idolatry referred to in the bible,,,

I would guess what it says we will be doing in the 1000 years that Yahshua rules the earth.

He comes back as a Righteous King just like the Jews are looking for also.

The Prophets tell us over and over ( Zech read) that the Law will be Enforced just like it was in the OT. Those who do not try to be perfect will if alive will be punished with no rain if they do not keep the feast of Lev. 23. This is future Prophecy.

Through doing Christmas time your children know all about it. Tell me how much they know about what they will be doing in the Kingdom?

Going to Jerusalem to worship something they never heard of let alone practice. Tradition is very hard to break

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 01/24/14 01:52 PM

I was told about Santa and The Easter Bunny, they were cute fairy tales as a child

I didn't feel terribly 'lied' to when I realized the truth, I was mature enough to recognize them for the lighthearted fairytales they are,,,

also, Easter bunny and Santa are what adults tell to kids, who grow up to be adults telling it to kids, and so on

amongst the KIDS who believe it ,, there is indeed similar condescention between believers and non believers


,,tell each other they wont get gifts if they don't believe
...get angry and refuse to play with others who try to say santa doesnt exist
...cant start wars or build palaces but many have shrines to santa in their room via posters, figurines,,etc,,,

also, the original St Nick lived in the fourth century with no documented account of having risen from the dead or actually lived in the north pole or having elves or traveling down chimneys after his death,,,,

the simple point is you have chosen Pagan Traditions over the Law of Yahweh. The Feasts of Lev. 23 were all kept and recorded he did these things. Its the reason for no Idols why Yahweh can not be seen and have lived we are told. I Am That I Am is YHWH I will be whatever you need me to be.

Eve seen no problem with disobeying and Adam lied and Blamed it on Eve.

Adam and Even were as little children we all of a sudden they realized they were naked. Like small children. Yahweh is as your father. Do you want part of the Scriptures be for his amusement when you believe every word of it. Maybe Salvation is a fun joke to play on us children.

I have never seen anyone's children make fun of someone who believes in Christmas they know better.

we all need to try and learn the mind of Yahweh through study and Prayed and that spirit will enter and open up a whole new world.

Lieing that I know of ever allowed in the Bible was Abram telling the Egyptians Sara was his sister and not his wife.

He was protecting his wife. at that time they were raping wives and family members like sisters they would not bother. he was Protecting her.

No where else do I c lieing being condoned. I do not believe Judas was condoned or was he?