Community > Posts By > Paranoy

Paranoy's photo
Mon 10/26/20 08:08 PM
Competitive people have something to prove and some deficit to correct, in my opinion. Noncompetitive people are much more confident and relaxed to be around in general. They know they're good, they don't have to always prove it to and for an audience.

Paranoy's photo
Fri 10/23/20 08:53 PM
A random mx of Spanish Flamenco guitar playing. You name it and I probably listen to it :)

Paranoy's photo
Fri 10/23/20 08:26 PM
I'm one of those die-hard, super dedicated Rush fans. So much so that despite me never reacting to the death of a celebrity, I was in actual tears for the better part of the month when Neil Peart died in January :(

Paranoy's photo
Fri 10/23/20 08:23 PM
I can go on and on and on and on and on when it comes to music in this topic! Ever since I was a teenager back in the 90's I picked up and never put down a guitar. At that same time, I heard a band that utterly changed my life and I knew what I wanted to learn to play... Rush.

Paranoy's photo
Fri 10/23/20 08:16 PM
Mankind will, we just won't like it much....

Paranoy's photo
Fri 10/23/20 07:34 PM
I hate writing about myself and hate posting pictures even more! Feel free to tear my profile apart and tell me what you think!

Paranoy's photo
Fri 10/23/20 07:23 PM
Not sure what to make of the site yet, but haven't had much luck on any site really, so might as well stick around for a while!