Community > Posts By > ravenmad8

ravenmad8's photo
Tue 09/09/08 09:51 AM
hi; i'm a vietnam vet and i think the best support for our troops, soldiers and human beings in general is to stop the madness and bring them home. time for human beings on this planet to unite in harmony with love and respect for life. we should all be doing what we can to change the divisive attitudes and hatred born of ignorance for what we don't understand and cast the light of hope and humanity by doing good not making war and killing. if all the good peace loving people of the world got together and formed a basic union based on these simple principles we would have such an overwhelming majority of countries and people that it would be impossible for a terrorist group to exist because there would be no reason for it to. just basic rights all people should have and everything done is good or positive for all. there is no reason to kill people especially in mass quanities. come on all you so called religous people; isn't killing the greatest sin? shouldn't religion be all about love? peace? kindness? understanding/tolerence? do you know more people have been killed in the name of religion than all other reasons? IMAGINE?!?!