Community > Posts By > euphoriaholic

euphoriaholic's photo
Mon 02/16/09 03:04 PM
Hello Everybody, hope everyone is doing great. I am de-activating my account while I am moving. I want to thank everyone who has befriended me and that I have interacted with on this site. You are all a great group of people! Take care and I hope that everyone finds love, peace and happiness.

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:53 AM
Edited by euphoriaholic on Sun 02/15/09 11:54 AM
giggles of desperation? No I don't think so...............

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:43 AM
oh a few of them have been known to break out in giggles at times laugh

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:35 AM

Good morning July,
I am sorry about your back. I am glad you had so much fun with your grandbaby! How bad is your back?

morning Teresa-my back had been fragile all week, pulling on those 450 and greater lb. patients with not enough help. Finally Friday morning I picked up a box from the trunk of my car and that was it. I can barely walk now, muscle spasms, constant pain. I'll go to the doctor tomorrow. Not sure if I am going to be able to get this covered by workman's comp but going to try.

And the funny thing about those 450+ patients, they think they're light as a feather and you should be able to just lift them with one hand

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:33 AM

Which part of "No pictures please" is so hard to understand?

Does anyone want an explanation?

< giggling like a banshee

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:32 AM
must not be awake, I'll take that pot of coffee!

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:31 AM
Edited by euphoriaholic on Sun 02/15/09 11:57 AM

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:31 AM
Edited by euphoriaholic on Sun 02/15/09 11:56 AM


Well pardon me all to hell

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:29 AM
Edited by euphoriaholic on Sun 02/15/09 11:55 AM

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 01:33 AM
I'm not going to look I prefer to think it's about happy bears that want to date

euphoriaholic's photo
Sun 02/15/09 01:29 AM
Hey HG it's "tomorrow" hope you are feeling better about things. If you want to vent just write me, I know you cheered me up when I vented to you about the "doofus" I WAS dating. You had me sitting transfixed in front of my computer giggling like a banshee over the letters we were writing.Hmmmm, do banshees giggle?

euphoriaholic's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:53 PM
Man bashing, no it's not! just trying to cheer HG up and myself.Trying to put up a wall around my heart so I don't get let down again

euphoriaholic's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:42 PM
Sorry to hear things didn't work out HG, but someone better will come along........

euphoriaholic's photo
Sat 02/14/09 07:32 PM
" Ain't no man worth crying over" that's my new motto that I'm going by for now on......

euphoriaholic's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:15 AM
Happy Valentines everybody! And go girlhappy :banana: happy

euphoriaholic's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:36 PM
yet :smile:

euphoriaholic's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:36 PM
No not yeat but getting there, trying to downsize so sorting through stuff and giving to Goodwill. Hope to be moved by the 20th. Thanks for asking

euphoriaholic's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:20 PM
I'm reading a book called On Bear Mountain, I sure hope it's not about hairy gay men.laugh

euphoriaholic's photo
Thu 02/12/09 08:10 PM
Well I haven't kept up with the welfare laws here in Oregon but used to be that if a person was applying for public housing assistance and had a drug conviction on their record they could not receive assistance also they used to have "food stamps" but people were selling them for drug money so they went to a system that the welfare recipient has a Oregon Trail card like an atm they use it at the grocery stores with a pin number (like a debit card), but I'm sure people have found ways to get around that (like loaning out the card and pin # for x amount of dollars).

euphoriaholic's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:53 PM

I use to complain about the old farts at work !

Now I am one

laugh laugh

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