Community > Posts By > Cgutierr69

Cgutierr69's photo
Wed 10/24/12 07:20 PM
@Timoratmelb your not alone everyone goes through challenges and trials daily it's part of life but the good news is and I'm sure you discovered you don't or didn't have to go through them alone because Christ is always by our side to help us get through them if we ask. More importantly once you realize you can pray and leave all your worries to him you can go living your life stress free and at peace. The grace of God is a beautiful and wonderful gift to us all!! bigsmile

Cgutierr69's photo
Wed 10/24/12 07:08 PM
Hi I'm Cat and new to this website. It's nice to know that we can talk about our savior Jesus Christ even on a singles site. LOL He is the truth the light and the way :-) Peace & :heart: to all!