Police brutality ...
It is sad to see how many people are victimized regularly by biggotous public servants. I feel it is important to mention that a great many americans are abused by law enforcement solely because of their social status or lack of financial stability. As a teenager, I suffered a shattered knee cap at the hands of an over aggressive Officer Nelson of former Sonoma Police Department. Today I suffer from permanent nerve damage and sciatica as a direct result of this injury. I grew up poor in a wealthy town, which made me a constant target for the prejudice of both law enforcement and the school district. I feel that far too many innocent, well intentioned individuals have been victimized and displaced, even in their home towns, at the hands of unsupervised, malicious police. A great many of these people are only in a position of hopeless vagrancy because of gross overgentrification as more and more wealthy, self centered people have flooded their home towns raising the cost of living to an unreasonable level. A vast amount of these people are of african descent, and I feel that such vile mistreatment of any living being is appalling, especially since those at fault consider themselves to be civilized. There is a serious
problem in america and most people seem to consider it to be of. I importance what so ever. |