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Tue 10/09/12 09:01 PM

Long distance is REAL tough in the first place, let alone if in different countries. Since you two can't even actually 'talk', it's all that much harder. Communication is a MAJOR key to any relationship and when it comes to a LDR is all that much more important. Since there doesn't really seem to be much communication going on in the first place, I'd say things with him were dead even before it started.

I agree with you. I know it is really stupid but there's just something that is pulling me to not give up. I was going to send him a webcam of mine that I don't use but I am afraid to ask for his address to send it because I feel like it would be creepy since we don't know each other that well yet and that seems to be a huge factor for him. Should I give up?

Seeing as he hasn't given you his address, yeah, might want to hold off on sending him a cam. Keep in touch with him and just see what happens, but I wouldn't put my life on hold or look too much into things with him. Remember, No expectations= No disappointment.

Thanks a lot! I kind of needed a bit of a reality check. I've been living in dreamland the past couple of weeks actually thinking this would go somewhere. I mean it could, I would like it to, but my chances are slim especially if we don't communicate well. I will keep trying though, but this time my expectations won't be as high as I had set them before (:

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Tue 10/09/12 08:45 PM

Long distance is REAL tough in the first place, let alone if in different countries. Since you two can't even actually 'talk', it's all that much harder. Communication is a MAJOR key to any relationship and when it comes to a LDR is all that much more important. Since there doesn't really seem to be much communication going on in the first place, I'd say things with him were dead even before it started.

I agree with you. I know it is really stupid but there's just something that is pulling me to not give up. I was going to send him a webcam of mine that I don't use but I am afraid to ask for his address to send it because I feel like it would be creepy since we don't know each other that well yet and that seems to be a huge factor for him. Should I give up?

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Tue 10/09/12 08:21 PM
Recently a rather large group of German students visited America where I live. I met this one German. We really clicked. Well, at least I think we did. He seemed very interested in me and listened to every word that I said. I thought he was very sweet and I could see us going somewhere in the future but the thing is, he lives in Germany but plenty of people date long distance. Knowing me, things would work out since I plan on moving there one day anyway. We exchanged numbers, facebooks, and skype. His webcam and microphone does not work, it costs money to text and call on our cell phones, so we just chat on facebook or skype now that he is back in Germany. This guy is obviously a virgin to me, he told me that he doesn't have a girlfriend and never has before which I find very appealing. He seems very shy. During a game of 21 questions, I told him to pretend that I live near him. I then asked him if he would date me. (His English is a little broken) He said, "Hm, I don't know. Not at the moment. I like you, but I don't know you very well now, just for a few weeks." It is hard to see through him and understand him. I always have to start the conversation. The only time he ever messaged me first was when he gave me his number. He says okay A LOT, if I tell him what I am doing and then I ask him what he his doing he totally ignores the fact that I ever said anything before the question I asked. It's like if I don't ask him anything he won't reply, and if he replies to a statement it's either, "cool" or "ok" I don't understand him at all but I like him so much. He is a lot easier to talk to in person. Ever since we started talking online it's gotten weird. Can someone please tell me why he may be like this? Is it because he is shy because he never talked to a girl that likes him before? is it because it is difficult for him to speak English because he's not sure what Americans like to talk about? I have no idea and I really need some thoughts.