diğer yarımı arıyorum
Merhaba Arkadaşlar
Simply to say looking a Turkish men for married, pls see and read my profile if you are interested and only for serious man. Drop your chat, no profile picture will not be reply, Moslem, age 28-45 only. Aşk, birlikte yaşayacağın kişiyi bulmak değil, onsuz yaşayamayacağın birisini bulmaktır. Teşekkürler ederim ☺ |
I did not reply to them, and for some of ppl who chat without picture and 'I will tell later' in their profile.
a few and for knowing their are real or fake, I tried to video call :) so far I met a real ppl.
My name is not Baby!
I'd love if stranger call me with 'Hi/Hello', and just say my name instead of Baby, Sweet heart etc.
everything can be possible ☺
trust and follow your instinct. |