Community > Posts By > MontanaBound
Riding [/quote Sorry I didn't know the game] |
Does ur name fit u ???
P: Popular w/all Types of People
A: Hot U: Very Good Kisser L: Good Kisser A: Hot ![]() |
Blocking Someone????
from email? Yes. |
Blocking Someone????
If I was to Block Someone... Would they know? If so... How? Thank You
Well Here I Am...
Come on.. I know that you all can do better then this... Plz Rate Me!!!
See yall are talking about gold digging men,,true there out there,,but have yall ever think of the men out here that hate the men that do that ****,,see in my mind that makes me look bad,,im the kind of a guy that will give to my woman,,and do for her,,and love the way she needs to be,,and for the money part,,she needs only to pay for what we need around the house,,and things shge wants for her self,,and at times she could buy me something,,lol,,but in all,,it the mans true mind to take care of his house hold,,and his woman,,I hate the fact there is DEAD BEAT DADS out there or for the most part,,the DEAD BEAT AZZ HOLES that cant seem to TREAT A WOMAN WITH RESPECT,LOVE,TRUST,...Good Guys Finish Last...Sweet Woman Never Finish Looking For Mr.Right I'll NEVER give up... I have raised my 21 y/o without a penny. I know that there is a Great Guy out there for me!!! I also have a 12y/o that he kinda started to help 5 years ago. I do not hold this against men just them.... |
Well Here I Am...
Come on I know that there are more replies....
Please Let me hear what you think....
Come on... Lets hear what you think???
Well Here I Am...
i like the pictures... very nice... your very photogenic.. most all of us have been hurt by a man before and used... but your profile sounds negetive and may scare a nice guy off... i hope your journey to wherever you are going is a good one ![]() Thank You for being so Honest. |
See yall are talking about gold digging men,,true there out there,,but have yall ever think of the men out here that hate the men that do that ****,,see in my mind that makes me look bad,,im the kind of a guy that will give to my woman,,and do for her,,and love the way she needs to be,,and for the money part,,she needs only to pay for what we need around the house,,and things shge wants for her self,,and at times she could buy me something,,lol,,but in all,,it the mans true mind to take care of his house hold,,and his woman,,I hate the fact there is DEAD BEAT DADS out there or for the most part,,the DEAD BEAT AZZ HOLES that cant seem to TREAT A WOMAN WITH RESPECT,LOVE,TRUST,...Good Guys Finish Last...Sweet Woman Never Finish Looking For Mr.Right |
There have always been men god diggers. Look at that 1,000 year old man who is married to Zsa Zsa but had an affair with Anna-Nicole Smith. Just move on I say. If you think guys are gold diggers then date someone only on your own level financially. Sounds like there were other bad things this guy had too. I think love cuts way beyond material things. Like is so damn short to worry about that IMO. Hope you find that special guy. Never give up, never! Remember: "You can't take it with you." You are Right... But I can leave it with my Girls and My Grand Babies... I have worked my Butt off for what I have and I am not letting someone take it from me. |
Well Here I Am...
I like the pics but get rid of the duplicate scenes and take more which are not so fuzzy. So one on the horse and one in the car is all you need. Guys are visual, many will gravitate to your large chest and instantly contact you. This may mean you get the wrong type of person, (fakes and players). Think about layering a jacket on top if you are getting losers like that. If you want to show off your chest you will have to weed through the good from the bad. No matter what you put into your profile. I don't get the start of your profile. You favor beer over me? I'm not for you? Junk that as I think it's meant to be a joke but not too sure. K, you are obsessing on getting a real guy. I can't blame you but let me ask you. Do you really think saying that will stop guys who are asses and fake from contacting you? It will give you a chance after you know them to say, you didn't read my profile did you? That's about it. Get rid of most of it and tell us about yourself. Keep it positive! This is all you have that is positive right now: I Love the Great Outdoors. I want to Live Life and enjoy every minute. Say something like this instead: "I do not want a dishonest, fake man who plays games. I do want a man who is real, honest and is serious about a relationship with one person." Don't capitalize your words like that instead use "great outdoors", "live life". If you really want to show emphasis stick to the exclamation point !!!! or CAPITALIZE the entire word. Last thing is you are moving from Georgia? Where to? I take it Montana! But why not tell guys in the profile about your new area? Advertise the right way and you will get the right person. |